MacTCP 1.1: "Server" Addressing and "Routing Information" Field
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    I have a question about "Server" style addressing under MacTCP 1.1, and the
    "Routing Information" field. I'm using a Gatorbox CS Rack, and all of the
    DDP/IP functions seem to be working fine. I'm a little confused though,
    about what seems to be a new feature.

    Using Server mode addressing, and selecting the LocalTalk icon in MacTCP,
    and the correct zone to find the IPGateway (LocalTalk side of Gatorbox), I
    restart my system. It obtains an address fine, and displays it in the
    MacTCP address field (which seems to be a very nice new feature).

    I'm confused about the address of the DDP/IP gateway (Gatorbox) now
    appearing in the "Routing Information" field. I've believed for several
    years now that this field had nothing to do with the DDP/IP Gateway. This
    was an address of a true TCP/IP router that would forward IP traffic to IP
    networks beyond the local one. I also understood this function required
    it, when not using RIP for local TCP/IP routing.

    Why is this address displayed? I know that with Server-based addressing,

    the DDP/IP gateway is the device that needs to be used for truly setting
    the default route information. Does this "Routing Information" field have
    two purposes now, depending on which address method I'm using?


    You're correct about MacTCP 1.1 now displaying new information when using a
    DDP/IP gateway (server mode addressing). MacTCP 1.1 now displays the IP
    address of the DDP/IP gateway in the default gateway field of the MacTCP
    control panel device. MacTCP 1.1 also displays the IP address received
    from the DDP/IP gateway in the IP address field of the MacTCP control panel
    device. This new behavior in no way affects the way you configure or use
    MacTCP in a DDP/IP gateway environment. The additional information now
    presented is useful as a feedback mechanism, and nothing more.

Document Information
Product Area: Communications-Networking
Category: MacTCP
Sub Category: General Topics

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