AIR: ATTOKLLC.NLM in Source Routing Token Ring (8/95)
Article ID:


    I'd like some information on the Novell NLM called ATTOKLLC.NLM. It's needed in Source Routing Token Ring installations that also have Apple Internet Routers (AIR). How do I get the NLM? How is it installed?


    Novell Technical Support sent this information about the ATTOKLLC.NLM that should be loaded whenever the server is on a Token Ring network with Source Routing and an Apple Internet Router. You should get the ATTOKLLC.NLM from Novell.

    Here are the installation instructions included with the NetWare for Macintosh 3.01 READ.ME file:

    ISSUE: When the AppleTalk router in APPLETLK.NLM is on a multi-ring Token Ring network on which Apple Internet Routers and IBM Source Routing Token Ring Bridges are present, the router requires that a special NLM, provided with this package, be run to communicate with Apple Internet Routers.

    CAUSE: The Apple Internet Router sends an 802.2 Test/Poll packet to a node when it needs to discover the Token Ring route (across bridges) to that node. It waits to receive an 802.2 Test/Final (reply) packet, which contains the Token Ring route information, before sending AppleTalk packets to the node. APPLETLK.NLM does not reply with a 802.2 Test/Final packet.

    SOLUTION: If you are running NetWare for Macintosh v3.12 on a NetWare v3.12 server and you need Token Ring support, you do not use the file ATTOKLLC.NLM described in the NetWare for Macintosh Installation and Maintenance guide. Instead, you must install and load the file LLC8022.NLM. When you consult the manual, read all references to ATTOKLLC.NLM as LLC8022.NLM.

    If you are running the 200-user version of NetWare for Macintosh v3.12 on a NetWare v3.11 server, you must still copy and load the file ATTOKLLC.NLM as described in the NetWare for Macintosh Installation and Maintenance guide.

    Install ATTOKLLC.NLM, which listens for and responds to these Test/Poll packets. This NLM is not installed automatically during the NetWare for Macintosh v3.01 installation. To install this NLM, you must manually copy ATTOKLLC.NLM from the NW-MAC diskette to the SYS:SYSTEM directory of the server(s) on which the NetWare for Macintosh v3.0 or v3.01 software is installed. You should then load ATTOKLLC.NLM and bind it to the Token Ring board that handles the "TOKEN-RING" frame type, as described below.

    After installing ATTOKLLC.NLM, follow these steps:

    1) Load the frame type "TOKEN-RING" for the Token Ring LAN driver being used for AppleTalk. (This is the default frame type used when the board is loaded, but it is not the frame type used by APPLETLK. If you are running IPX and APPLETLK over the same Token Ring, this frame type is already loaded.)

    2) Load the Token Ring Source Routing NLM "ROUTE.NLM" for the Token Ring board with the "TOKEN-RING" frame type. Note that this is not the same logical board to which APPLETLK is bound. Note also that you must perform this step even if you are running IPX on this Token Ring board.

    3) Load ATTOKLLC.NLM. There are no options for this NLM.

    4) Bind ATTOKLLC to the Token Ring board handling TOKEN-RING frames. Note that this is not the same logical board to which APPLETLK is bound.

    For example, if you have already configured AppleTalk on Token Ring as follows:

    load token int=2 port=320 frame=token-ring_snap name=tsnap
    load route board=1
    bind appletlk to tsnap net=10-10 zone={"Paris"}

    The following lines demonstrate the four steps described above:

    #Step 1. load token int=2 port=320 frame=token-ring name=tring
    #Step 2. load route board=2
    #Step 3. load attokllc
    #Step 4. bind attokllc to tring

    On AppleLink, you can find contact information for the various vendors by clicking the Library Index button to view the folder structure in the Tech Info Library. An alphabetic listing of vendors is in the Third Party Company Directory folder.

    Article Change History:
    22 Aug 1995 - Updated information on installing ATTOKLLC.NLM.

    Support Information Services

Document Information
Product Area: Communications-Networking
Category: LocalTalk-EtherTalk-Token Ring
Sub Category: General Topics

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