PowerBook: Using HyperCard To Dial Voicemail and Play Messages
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    I'm trying to use HyperCard to dial my Macintosh PowerBook modem to call my voicemail, so I can listen to my messages through the speaker.

    I can use the dial command in HyperCard to dial the modem, but when I try to enter my extension and password, the modem resets.

    I can also use the serial XCMDs, send the ADT command, get a constant dial tone, and then use the dial command to send the number, but this doesn't work either.


    You need to modify your dial command and write button scripts to send the appropriate serial commands to the modem.

    1) Issue the command ATM1 to tell the speaker to remain on.

    2) Time the necessary pauses for the voicemail system when it asks you to
    select/press buttons for options, and so on.

    Each comma you insert into the dial string adds 1 second to the dial
    time. For example:

    ATDT 9,,555-1212;

    dials 9, waits 2 seconds for the phone system (usually for PBX) to
    respond, and then continues to dial the number.

    3) Add a semicolon to the dial string (as shown in the example above).
    When the semicolon is reached, the modem drops back into command state
    -- instead of trying to make a connection.

    If your string is longer than 40 characters, you must use multiple dial
    strings since the PowerBook Fax/Data Modem has a 40-character limit.
    You can enter multiple dial commands by issuing a semicolon, which puts
    the modem back into the command state. Then type the ATDT XXXXXXXXX;
    for additional tones you need to send.

    4) Issue an ATH0 when you want to hang up the modem.

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Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: General Topics

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