Networks: How to Have a Server Control Time Stamps
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    How is the "Last Modified" column for servers affected when users have different times set on their Macintosh computers -- for example, when some users reset their clocks for daylight savings time and some don't?


    The time stamp shown in the Last Modified column for servers changes from machine to machine, depending on USER'S clock setting. To see this, mount any server and note the time stamp of a file. Dismount the server, and change your clock by 1 hour. Now re-mount the server, and the time stamps have all changed by 1 hour.

    This is a known problem that can affect applications that depend on time stamps; however, there are utilities available that synchronize all Macintosh computers with the server's clock.

    One free utility for this is Macintosh Timelord/Tardis 1.3. Timelord (Chooser Extension) lets a networked Macintosh act as timeserver to other Macintosh computers connected to it. Tardis (Control Panel) is the client.

    Macintosh Timelord/Tardis is available through ftp on the Internet and from user groups.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: AppleShare
Sub Category: AppleShare for Mac OS; AppleShare/Print Server

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