System 7: User Limits for Publish and Subscribe
Article ID:


    What's the maximum number of users when sharing files under Publish and


    There's a theoretical limit to the number of subscribers to a file. If you
    were to reach this limit, you would far exceed the capability of whatever
    server you're connecting to. The theoretical limit is based upon a counter
    the Edition Manager uses to keep track of the number of subscribers to an
    edition file.

    Each subscriber's computer opens the file. So if that computer has reached
    its limit on the number of files it can have open, you won't be able to
    subscribe to an additional file until you close a file. On the server
    front, the edition file is only opened once. So the number of subscribers
    won't affect the number of files that the server can have open.

    Real world environments are far lower than that limit. For example, the
    maximum number of users who can log on to an AppleShare 3.0 server is 120,
    if you've configured your server for this number.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: System 7.0x-7.1.x
Sub Category: General Topics

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