What are the statistics for the Macintosh Quadra 950 computer's video with respect to scan rates, resolution, and sense line configuration?
DISCUSSION Here's the information on the Quadra 950 computer's support for 1024 x 768 (19-inch) monitors. Though Apple doesn't sell a monitor with these characteristics, there are third-party monitors that work with this timing. One example of a compatible monitor is the standard SuperMac 19-inch Trinitron display (we believe their Hitachi-tube display works also). The higher end multisync type of display, such as the NEC Multisync 5fg is another example. Other solutions exist, and you will want to contact your supplier to determine your options. Extended Sense Codes Note: For extended sense codes: A sense pin pair value of 0 means those pins should be tied together (as opposed to grounding the pins to pin 11); a value of 1 means don't connect the pins. DON'T wire any of these pins to ground. Macintosh Quadra 950 Video Port Characteristics
Maximum Pixel Depths Supported
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Product Area: | Computers |
Category: | Macintosh Quadra & Centris |
Sub Category: | Quadra 950 |
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