Mac OS X Public Beta: Using McAfee Virex With Classic May Cause a Startup Issue
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    Using the Classic environment with a Mac OS 9 System Folder that has McAfee Virex software installed may prevent the computer from subsequently starting up from that System Folder.



    The computer will not start up from a Mac OS 9 System Folder.

    This may happen after this sequence of events:
    • The Classic environment starts up from a System Folder that has Virex installed.
    • You select the same System Folder with either the System Disk utility, the Startup Disk preferences, or the Startup Manager.
    • You restart the computer.

    Products affected
    • Mac OS X Public Beta


    Avoid using Virex software on the Mac OS 9 System Folder designated in the Classic pane of System Preferences. If you have partitioned your hard disk, you could use more than one Mac OS 9 System Folder as a workaround. If you are already experiencing this issue, you may be able to start up from that System Folder again after removing the Virex Control Panel and the Virex Scheduler extension.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS X
Sub Category: Choose a main topic

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