Mac OS 9.1: Downloadable Update Versus Mac OS 9.1 Disc
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    The downloadable Mac OS 9.1 Update contains fewer updates and extras than the Mac OS 9.1 CD-ROM disc. This reduces the amount of data that must be downloaded at once.


    Mac OS 9.1 Update

    The downloadable update contains core system software updates, Apple Remote Access (ARA) Client Server 4.0, and QuickTime 4.1.3. The Mac OS 9.1 download may only be used to update a computer that has Mac OS 9.0.x installed. It is available at Apple Software Updates ( http://www.apple.com/swupdates ).

    Note: If you use Apple language kits, the disc is required to update to Mac OS 9.1.

    Mac OS 9.1 Disc

    The Mac OS 9.1 disc includes additional updates to Mac OS that are not a part of the downloadable Mac OS 9.1 Update. Some of these additional items are available separately at Apple Software Updates or from third-party Web sites (non-Apple software). The disc may be used for full installation or clean installation. If you already use Mac OS 9, you may qualify to purchase a Mac OS 9.1 disc at reduced cost. To get details, visit the Software section at http://www.apple.com/ . Be sure to choose your geographic region from the pop-up menu on the front page at http://www.apple.com/ .

    Items included on the Mac OS 9.1 Disc

    AirPort 1.2
    Aladdin Software 5.5
    Apple DVD Software 2.3
    Apple Internet Access 1.5.1
    ARA Client Server 4.0
    ColorSync 3.0.3
    English Speech Recognition 2.0.4
    English Text-to-Speech 2.0
    Language Kits updates
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0
    Microsoft Outlook Express 5.0.2
    Mac OS Runtime for Java (MRJ) 2.2.3
    Netscape Communicator 4.75
    Network Assistant Client 4.0.2
    Personal Web Sharing 1.5.5
    QuickTime 4.1.3
    System software

    Items in the CD Extras folder

    Additional Desktop Patterns
    Additional Desktop Pictures
    Additional Modem Scripts
    Apple LDAP Changes
    Apple Printer Utility
    AppleScript CD Extras
    ColorSync CD Extras
    CSW 4000 Install (Color StyleWriter)
    Eric's Solitaire Sampler
    File Sharing Extras
    FirmWare Updates
    HyperCard Player
    HyperCard Update
    Language Kits CD Extras
    Mex. Spanish Text-to-Speech
    Network Extras
    Palm Desktop
    Pointer Mode
    QuickTime Samples
    Universal Access
    WhatRoute Folder

    Items in the Adobe Software folder

    Adobe Acrobat Reader (4.05)
    Adobe Type Manager / ATM (4.6)

    Note : Wireless internet access requires AirPort Card, AirPort Base Station, and Internet Access (fees may apply). Some ISPs are not currently compatible with AirPort, including America Online. Range may vary with site conditions.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 9.1
Keywords: kmos91

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