Mac OS 9.1: Late-Breaking News
Article ID:


    This article contains links to late-breaking articles about Mac OS 9.1, a copy of the Late-Breaking News text included in Mac Help for Mac OS 9.1, and a link to Mac OS 9.1 developer documentation describing new features.


    The following articles describe symptoms and solutions related to issues that you may encounter when using Mac OS 9.1. To see a complete listing of Mac OS 9.1 articles and to check for more recent additions, use the search term "Mac OS 9.1" or use the keyword "kmos91".

    Article 106089:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Start Up from CD to Install on Original Power Macintosh Computers "
    Article 106097:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Installer Only Updates the Startup Disk When Mac OS 8.5 or Later Is Installed "
    Article 106098:
    " Mac OS X Public Beta, Mac OS 9.1: Classic Does Not Work With Mac OS 9.1 "
    Article 106085:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Some Preferences Are Not Retained When Updating to Mac OS 9.1 "
    Article 106082:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Hard Disk Space Requirements "
    Article 106094:
    " Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh, Mac OS 9.1: Updating Mac OS Disables Virtual Memory "
    Article 106074:
    " Mac OS 9.1, FireWire 2.7: Third-Party FireWire Drives May Not Recognize Audio CDs "
    Article 106083:
    " Mac OS 9.1: PowerBook 1400 Fails to Restart After PRAM Reset "
    Article 106100:
    " Mac OS 9.1: AppleShare Client Disappears From Chooser "
    Article 106091:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Dialog Box Does Not Cancel on First Attempt "
    Article 106088:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Some Sherlock 2 Channels May Appear Empty "
    Article 106081:
    " Mac OS 9.1: Computer Stops Responding After Accessing Extensions Manager at System Startup Time "
    Article 106107:
    " AppleShare IP 6: Update to 6.3.3 Required for Use With Mac OS 9.1 "
    Article 16145:
    " AppleShare: Platforms and Mac OS Releases Supported "

    The following text is a reproduction of the Late-Breaking News included in Mac Help for Mac OS 9.1, which is accessible in the Help menu.

      About Mac OS 9.1

      This section provides current information about Mac OS 9.1.

      Starting up from the Mac OS 9.1 CD

      If you start up from the Mac OS 9.1 CD, some features (such as the ability to play QuickTime movies in Mac OS Help) are not available. Use of all features is restored when you restart from your hard disk.

      Using Acrobat PDF documents

      Some documents included with Mac OS 9.1 were created using Adobe Acrobat (these files have "pdf" at the end of their names). To view or print these documents, you must install Adobe Acrobat Reader, located in the Adobe software folder on the Mac OS 9.1 CD.

      Drive Setup and Energy Saver

      If you need to use Drive Setup to perform an operation that takes more than a few minutes, such as testing a disk or initializing a disk with a low-level format, make sure your system will not go to sleep by dragging the slider in the Energy Saver control panel to "Never." You can return it to your previous setting after the formatting is complete.

      PowerBook (FireWire)

      If you have a PowerBook with built-in FireWire ports, install the PowerBook Firmware update 2.7 to ensure that the FireWire ports work correctly. For more information, see the following Web site www.apple.com/firewire

      Monitor resolution changes after installation

      After you do a clean installation of Mac OS 9.1, your monitor resolution may change from its previous settings. You can change your monitor resolution back using the Monitors control panel.

      America Online (AOL) and QuickTime To view QuickTime content while using America Online (AOL), drag a copy of the file "QuickTime plugin" into the AOL Plug-ins folder (located in the same folder as the AOL application), then reopen AOL.

      Notes about compatibility

      Mac OS 9.1 and Mac OS X Public Beta

      Mac OS X Public Beta and Mac OS 9.1 are not compatible. If you install Mac OS 9.1, the Classic environment in Mac OS X Public Beta will no longer function.

      Apple CD-ROM extension and non-Apple CD/DVD driver incompatibilities

      If your CD/DVD drive is not manufactured by Apple, or you have an Apple CD/DVD drive and you use a non-Apple driver, your CD/DVD drive may not function correctly. Remove the file named "Apple CD/DVD Driver" from the Extensions folder (in the System Folder), and reinstall the software that came with your CD/DVD drive. Contact the CD/DVD manufacturer to see if you have the latest version of their software.

      Applications that install QuickTime

      Some applications replace the version of QuickTime installed by Mac OS 9.1 with an earlier version. If this occurs, you need to re-install QuickTime by selecting "Add/Replace" in the Mac OS Installer, and then doing a customized installation. For more help, open Mac Help and search for "adding or removing system software."

      Problems opening applications

      A small number of applications will not open if the system font is not set to Chicago. Others may require additional memory. If you have problems opening an application after you've installed Mac OS 9.1, try these possible solutions:
        1. Open the Appearance control panel and set the large system font to Chicago, then open the application again. Or, contact the software manufacturer to see if an updated version is available.
        2. Select the application's icon, then choose Get Info from the File menu. Increase the application's minimum memory allocation by 300K. For more information, see the Memory topic in Mac Help.

      Language kits

      Apple's language kits are now included with the Mac OS. If you use language kits, you must upgrade both your system software and your language kits at the same time using the Mac OS 9.1 CD. Previous versions of Apple's language kits are not compatible with Mac OS 9.1. To upgrade your system software and language kits, start up from the Mac OS 9.1 CD by inserting the CD and holding down the C key as you restart the computer. Continue holding down the C key until you see the CD background. Open the Mac OS Installer and choose Customize in the Install Software panel. Select both the Mac OS Install and Language Kits, and remember to select the specific language kits you want to upgrade.

      Apple HD SC Setup program

      If you need to initialize your hard disk after installing Mac OS 9.1, use the Drive Setup program on your Mac OS 9.1 CD. Do not use the Apple HD SC Setup program.

      FireWire hard disk drives

      FireWire 2.7 includes a new built-in driver for many FireWire hard disk drives. This driver will be used automatically if the disk vendor's driver extension cannot be found. You should still install the vendor's software to get maximum features from FireWire storage devices.

      Adobe Type Manager and Adobe Type Reunion

      Changes in Mac OS 9.1 cause an incompatibility with Adobe Type Manager (ATM), ATM Deluxe, and Adobe Type Reunion Deluxe (ATR). The Mac OS 9.1 installer automatically moves the ATM control panel into the Control Panels (Disabled) folder during installation. The latest updates can be found at http://www.adobe.com

      Notes about printing

      Switching between a LocalTalk network and a serial printer

      If you use the same port to alternately connect to a LocalTalk network and a serial printer, the port may not reset properly after you turn off AppleTalk to use the printer. If you have trouble printing after turning off AppleTalk, restart your computer.

      Reinstalling printer drivers

      If an icon for your printer is not available in the Chooser after you have done a clean installation of Mac OS 9.1, you may need to reinstall the software that came with your printer.
      • If you have a StyleWriter, StyleWriter II, or StyleWriter 1200, use the Color SW 1500 driver that comes with Mac OS 9.1 (instead of installing your original printer software).
      • If you have a Color StyleWriter 2200 or 2400, install the Color StyleWriter 2500 driver that comes with Mac OS 9.1 (instead of installing your original printer software).
      • If you have a Color StyleWriter 4000 Series printer, you can find the latest driver in CD Extras of your system software CD.

      You may also need to reinstall fonts that came with your printer software. Follow the instructions that came with your printer software.

      Notes about Multiple Users environments

      Using Epson printers

      To print on an Epson printer, a user in the Limited or Panels environment should configure the Epson printer driver to use a spool folder located in the user's folder, or another location where the user can create files. In the Epson print dialog box, click the Tools button, then click Configuration. Then change the Temporary Spool and Temporary High Speed Copies folder locations.

      Printer access in Multiple Users environments

      Printers that do not appear on the desktop are not shown in the list of available printers in the Multiple Users control panel. To allow Limited or Panels users to use these printers, grant access to "all printers" or allow the users access to the Chooser.

      PowerBook 5300 and voice passwords

      If you have a PowerBook 5300 computer, you cannot use voice verification. You must use a typed password.

      Program compatibility

      If you are experiencing problems in the Limited or Panels user environments, search Mac Help for "Multiple Users" to find troubleshooting and other important information about configuring your software.

      Miscellaneous notes

      Changing filenames updates file modification date

      If you alter the name of a file or folder in Mac OS 9.1, it will change the modification date of the enclosing folder.

      RAM disk disappears when resized

      If you reset the size of a RAM disk on your Mac OS 9.1 system, the icon may disappear from the desktop. Restarting your computer will bring back the icon with the new size.

      Downloading disk images

      If you experience problems when downloading and mounting disk images (files with the suffix ".img" or ".smi"), you may need to disable the Mount Disk Images preference in StuffIt Expander. To do this, open StuffIt Expander and choose Preferences from the File menu. Click Disk Images and deselect Mount Disk Images.

      Power button sleep

      Slot-loading iMacs, G4 Cubes, and most G4 towers can be put to sleep by pressing the Power button. You can turn off this feature by deselecting the Power button sleep option in the Energy Saver control panel.

      Apple Remote Access Personal Server

      If you are using the Apple Remote Access Personal Server and you perform a clean installation of Mac OS 9.1, the server may not answer incoming calls correctly the first time you restart the computer after the installation. Restart your computer a second time before using the Apple Remote Access Personal Server.

    Developer information

    Technical Note TN2010: Mac OS 9.1

    Summary from the Apple Developer Connection:
      "This Technical Note discusses changes and corrections in the next generation of Mac OS: Mac OS 9.1. This system follows Mac OS 9.0.4 and contains several enhancements and revised features. All developers interested in creating products compatible with Mac OS 9.1 will want to review this document.

      For the most part, Mac OS 9.1 is a system update that fixes bugs and improves operational performance and stability."

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 9.1
Sub Category: GENERAL OS TOPICS; Networking & Internet; Troubleshooting
Keywords: kmos91

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.