Macintosh IIvx: Pinouts
Article ID:


    This article describes the external and internal pinouts for the Macintosh
    IIvx computer system.


    The pinouts listed are for the back of the Macintosh IIvx.

    DB-19 External Drive Connector

    10 1
    X X X X X X X X X X
    X X X X X X X X X
    19 11

    Pin Signal Description
    --- ------ -----------
    1, 2, 3, 4 GND Ground
    5 -12 V -12 Volt Supply
    6 +5 V +5 Volt Supply
    7 +12 V +12 Volt Supply
    8 12 V +12 Volt Supply
    9 nc (Not Connected)
    10 +5 V +5 Volt Supply
    11 PHASE0 Motor Phase 0 Output
    12 PHASE1 Motor Phase 1 Output
    13 PHASE2 Motor Phase 2 Output
    14 PHASE3 Motor Phase 3 Output
    15 W/REQ Write Request
    16 SEL Register Select Line
    17 ENABLE2 Drive Enable
    18 RD Read Data Input
    19 WR Write Data Output

    DB-25 External SCSI Connector

    13 1
    X X X X X X X X X X X X X
    X X X X X X X X X X X X
    25 14

    Pin Signal Description
    --- ------ -----------
    1 REQ~ Request
    2 MSG~ Message
    3 I/O~ Input/Output
    4 RST~ SCSI Bus Reset
    5 ACK~ Acknowledge
    6 BSY~ Busy
    7 GND Ground
    8 DB0~ Data bit 0
    9 GND Ground
    10 DB3~ Data bit 3
    11 DB5~ Data bit 5
    12 DB6~ Data bit 6
    13 DB7~ Data bit 7
    14 GND Ground
    15 C/D~ Command/Data
    16 GND Ground
    17 ATN~ Attention
    18 GND Ground
    19 SEL~ Select
    20 DBP~ Data parity
    21 DB1~ Data bit 1
    22 DB2~ Data bit 2
    23 DB4~ Data bit 4
    24 GND Ground
    25 TPWR Terminator power

    DB-15 Monitor Video Connector

    8 1
    X X X X X X X X
    X X X X X X X
    15 9

    Pin Signal Description
    --- ------ -----------
    1 RED.GND Red Video Ground
    2 RED.VID Red Video
    3 CSYNC~ Composite Sync.
    4 MON.ID1 Monitor ID, Bit 1
    5 GRN.VID Green Video
    6 GRN.GND Green Video Ground
    7 MON.ID2 Monitor ID, Bit 2
    8 nc (Not Connected)
    9 BLU.VID Blue Video
    10 MON.ID3 Monitor ID, Bit 3
    12 VSYNC~ Vertical Sync.
    13 BLU.GND Blue Ground
    14 HSYNC.GND HSYNC Ground
    15 HSYNC~ Horizontal Sync.
    Shell CHASSIS.GND Chassis Ground

    Mini DIN-8 RS-232/RS-422 Serial Connector

    |8 |7 |6

    -5 -4 -3

    -2 -1

    Pin Signal Description
    --- ------ -----------
    1 HSKo Handshake Output DTR
    2 HSKi Handshake Input CTS
    3 TxD- Transmit Data (inverted)
    4 SG Signal Ground
    5 RxD- Receive Data (inverted)
    6 TxD+ Transmit Data
    7 GPi General Purpose Input DCD
    8 RxD+ Receive Data

    Miniature Sound Input Jack

    Contact Signal Description
    ------- ------ -----------
    Sleeve GND Signal ground
    Ring Mic PWR Microphone power, +8 V +/- 5% @ 1 mA
    Tip SND.IN Sound input signal, 1.6 K ¢ +/- 10 %
    impedance, 4 mV max signal w/o clipping

    Miniature Stereo Sound Output Jack

    Contact Signal Description
    ------- ------ -----------
    Sleeve GND Signal ground
    Ring RIGHT Right Channel, 1.5 V peak-to-peak audio signal
    Tip LEFT Left Channel, 1.5 V peak-to-peak audio signal

    Mini DIN-4 Apple Desktop Bus Connector

    |4 |3

    -2 -1

    Pin Signal Description
    --- ------ -----------
    1 DATA ADB Data
    2 PO Power On
    3 +5 V +5 Volt
    4 GND Ground

    The pinouts listed are for the internal connectors on the Macintosh IIvx
    logic board.


    Pin Signal Pin Signal
    --- ------ --- ------
    1 VCC 33 A10
    2 +12 V VPP 34 A11
    3 FLASHWE (IOW) 35 A12
    4 A2 36 A13
    5 A3 37 A14
    6 A4 38 A15
    7 A5 39 A16
    8 A6 40 A17
    9 A7 41 A18
    10 GND 42 A19
    11 ROM DISABLE (+5 V) 43 A20
    12 ROMOE 44 A21
    13 VCC 45 A22
    14 D0 46 VCC
    15 D1 47 D16
    16 D2 48 D17
    17 D3 49 D18
    18 D4 50 D19
    19 D5 51 D20
    20 D6 52 D21
    21 D7 53 D22
    22 D8 54 D23
    23 D9 55 D24
    24 D10 56 D25
    25 D11 57 D26
    26 D12 58 D27
    27 D13 59 D28
    28 D14 60 D29
    29 D15 61 D30
    30 GND 62 D31
    31 A8 63 VCC
    32 A9 64 GND

    Accelerator Slot

    Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal
    --- ------ --- ------ --- ------
    A1 A(30) B1 RESET* C1 R/W*
    A2 HALT* B2 A(29) C2 pullup [1]
    A3 A(31) B3 A(25) C3 A(28)
    A4 A(26) B4 A(27) C4 +5 V
    A5 RMC* B5 A(24) C5 pullup[2]
    A6 D(31) B6 GND C6 +5 V
    A7 D(30) B7 D(29) C7 N/C
    A8 D(28) B8 D(27) C8 GND
    A9 D(26) B9 D(25) C9 +5 V
    A10 D(24) B10 D(23) C10 GND
    A11 D(22) B11 D(21) C11 GND
    A12 D(20) B12 D(19) C12 IPL2*
    A13 D(18) B13 D(17) C13 pulldown[3]
    A14 D(16) B14 +5 V C14 +5 V
    A15 A(22) B15 A(21) C15 +5 V
    A16 A(20) B16 A(19) C16 GND
    A17 A(18) B17 A(17) C17 N/C
    A18 A(16) B18 A(15) C18 GND
    A19 A(14) B19 A(13) C19 +5 V
    A20 A(12) B20 A(11) C20 pulldown[4]
    A21 A(10) B21 GND C21 GND
    A22 FC(1) B22 A(9) C22 +5 V
    A23 A(8) B23 FPU* [5] C23 GND
    A24 FC(2) B24 FC(0) C24 CIOUT*
    A25 D(15) B25 D(14) C25 IPL1*
    A26 D(13) B26 D(12) C26 IPL0*
    A27 D(11) B27 D(10) C27 CBREQ*
    A28 D(9) B28 D(8) C28 D(7)
    A29 D(6) B29 BGACK* C29 D(5)
    A30 D(4) B30 D(3) C30 D(2)
    A31 D(1) B31 D(0) C31 +5 V
    A32 ROM* B32 A(7) C32 A(6)
    A33 A(5) B33 A(4) C33 A(3)
    A34 A(2) B34 A(1) C34 A(0)
    A35 BG* B35 +5 V C35 CBACK*
    A36 A(23) B36 CPUDIS C36 BR*
    A37 DSACK0* B37 AS* C37 DS*
    A38 15.6672MHz [6] B38 DSACK1* C38 BERR*
    A39 GND B39 +5 V C39 SIZ1
    A40 GND B40 N/C [7] C40 SIZ0

    Notes and differences between Macintosh IIvx and IIvi and Macintosh

    pullup[1]: This pin was connected to STERM* on the Macintosh IIci cache
    connector. STERM is not generated by any logic on the motherboard. This
    signal is pulled up with a 1K resistor.

    pullup[2]: This pin was connected to CFLUSH* on the Macintosh IIci cache
    connector. The cache flush function is different on Macintosh IIvx, so
    this pin cannot be supported. It is pulled up with a 1K resistor.

    pulldown[3]: This pin was connected to CACHEENABLE* on the Macintosh
    IIci cache connector. The cache enable function is different on
    Macintosh IIvx, so this pin cannot be supported. It is pulled down with
    a 100 ohm resistor. NOTE: THIS IS THE CACHE ENABLED STATE.

    pulldown[4]: This pin was a no connect on the Macintosh IIci cache
    connector. It is pulled down with a 100 ohm resistor to allow certain
    third party accelerator cards to operate correctly.

    FPU* [5]: This signal was a no connect on the Macintosh IIci cache
    connector. It is now connected to the FPU decode logic on the PCB. This
    logic is active at all times. The logic board FPU, if present is
    disabled if the CPUDISable signal is asserted.

    15.6672 MHz [6]: This signal was the 25 MHz CPU clock on the Macintosh
    IIci cache connector. It is now the 15.6672 MHz clock generated from the
    VASP for all systems. It is not the 31.3344 MHz CPU clock for the
    Macintosh IIvx. This clock was chosen because it must be used to
    synchronize access to the VASP chip, which always operates at
    15.6672 MHz.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Macintosh II
Sub Category: Macintosh IIvi and Macintosh IIvx

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.