System 7.1: Installation
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    This article takes you through all preparation, installation, and post-installation steps you should take to properly install system software version 7.1 on a Macintosh computer.


    Print and read the Read Me file, located on the Tidbits disk inside the Apple Utilities folder. This file contains current information on System 7.1. Also, system disks supplied with Macintosh computers come with an Install Me First disk. If you have this disk, follow the instructions on it.

    If you do not have an Apple hard drive, or use third-party software to format your hard drive, verify that the formatting software is compatible with System 7.1. Contact the software developer.

    System software version 7.1 requires a Macintosh computer with at least 2 MB of RAM (4 MB of RAM is strongly recommended), and a hard disk with at least 5 MB of disk space available.

    You can install over System 6 or System 7, or on a hard drive that does not have a System Folder. The Installer cannot install on a hard drive with System 5 or earlier. If you have System 5 or earlier, it is important to follow the instructions for a clean installation. These instructions can be found in a related document titled "System 7.1 Clean Installation".

    Back Up Your Hard Disk

    Copy the data on your hard disk to another hard disk or to floppy disks. There are several software utilities available that perform this operation. Or you can select the items you want to copy, and then drag them to the disk where you want to copy them. If you cannot copy everything, at least copy your System Folder to another disk.

    Check Available Hard Disk Space

    Be sure you have at least 5, 120K (5 MB) of disk space available on the hard drive where you plan to install the system software. To check disk space, follow these steps:

    1) Choose Control Panels from the Apple menu.

    2) Double-click the Views control panel to open it.

    3) In the Views control panel, check "Show disk info in header".

    4) Open your hard disk's window.

    The amount of available disk space appears in the upper-right corner of any open window.

    If there is less than 5,120K available, you will need to delete some unnecessary files by dragging them to the Trash. Choose Empty Trash from the Special menu and you will have more disk space available.

    Check Compatibility

    If you are upgrading from an earlier version of System 7 to 7.1, check the Software Compatibility list.

    If you are upgrading from System 6, run Compatibility Checker 2.0. It is a stand-alone application that you run following these steps:

    1) Copy the Compatibility Checker 2.0 application to your hard disk.

    2) Double-click the Compatibility Checker icon to launch the
    application. The Introduction screen appears.

    3) Click the continue button.

    4) Click the OK button if you want Compatibility Checker to scan all of
    your hard disks. Otherwise, click the check boxes to deselect any
    hard disk you don't want scanned. A dialog box marks the scanning

    5) If Compatibility Checker finds potentially incompatible items, a
    window appears.

    6) Click one of the two buttons at the bottom of the window. If you
    click the Move button, it moves the items to a folder on the hard
    disk named "May Not Work With System 7.1." In either case,
    Compatibility Checker's report window appears.

    7) Use the Sections menu to navigate around the report. (It is best to
    print the report and use it as a guide to update your software if

    8) When you are finished with Compatibility Checker, click the Quit
    button. A dialog box appears, asking if you want to save the report.

    9) After you have made your choice, another dialog box appears if you
    previously moved items out of your System Folder.

    10) Review the report, following the instructions detailed there.
    Vendors are the best source of information; please contact them directly if you have any questions.

    Virus and Security Software

    If you have installed virus protection or security software, you will need to remove them from the system. Follow removal instructions in the user manual provided with the software.

    Run Disk First Aid

    Disk First Aid can detect and repair problems that an Apple hard disk. Be sure you followed the instructions under "Virus and Security Software" before you begin.

    1) Start up with the Disk Tools disk. To do this, turn on your Macintosh. If it is already on, select Restart from the Special menu.

    2) Put the Disk Tools disk in the main floppy drive right after you hear the chime. The Disk Tools disk icon appears in the upper-right corner of the desktop.

    If it does not appear there, select Restart from the Special menu.

    The disk ejects -- push it back into the drive immediately.

    3) Double-click the Disk First Aid icon, and make sure the startup disk is selected. If it is not, click the Drive button to select the startup hard disk.

    4) Click on Open and then on Start. Disk First Aid will check your hard disk for any potential problems. If it finds problems, you should let the software repair them.

    5) Repeat this procedure for each hard disk attached to the system.

    6) When you are finished verifying the hard disks, choose Quit from the File menu to return to the desktop.

    If Disk First Aid cannot repair a hard disk, you should back up the hard disk and reinitialize it using the appropriate formatting utility for that drive. For Apple drives, use Apple HD SC Setup.

    Update Hard Disk Drivers

    Drivers are small pieces of software that tell your hard disk how to interact with your Macintosh computer. You must update these drivers on an Apple hard disk before installing System 7.0 or higher. (Please note: if you already have an earlier version of System 7, you do not need to upgrade your drivers.)

    If you don't have an Apple hard disk or use third-party software to format your disk, do not use the Apple HD SC Setup utility. However, you should contact your hard disk vendor to verify that your formatting software is compatible with system software version 7.1.

    If you have an Apple hard drive, you should update the drivers with the version of Apple HD SC Setup that's on the Disk Tools disk.

    1) Follow the instructions numbered 1 and 2 in the "Run Disk First Aid" section to start up your Macintosh with the Disk Tools disk.

    2) Double-click the Apple HD SC Setup icon.

    3) Click the Update button in the dialog box that appears. If the update is successful, it will display the message "Driver Update Successfully Completed."

    (NOTE: If the Update button is dimmed, no update is required or a third-party utility was used to format the hard disk.)

    4) Click the Quit button.

    Install System 7.1

    System 7.1 software consists of either:

    A set of nine 800K disks: Disk Tools, Install, Install 2, Install 3, Printing, Fonts, Fonts 2, Tidbits, and Tidbits 2, or

    A set of six 1.44 MB (High Density or FDHD) disks: Disk Tools, Install, Install 2, Printing, Fonts, and Tidbits.

    1) If you are installing from 1.44 MB disks, start your Macintosh computer. If it is already on, select Restart from the Special menu. Put the Install disk in the main floppy drive right after you hear the chime.

    If you are installing from 800K disks, start up from the Disk Tools disk. Then eject the Disk Tools disk and insert the Install disk. Since the 800K Install disk doesn't contain a System file, you cannot use it as a startup disk. You will have to swap between the Disk Tools and Install disks 4 to 6 times before the Installer begins.

    A welcome message appears.

    2) Click the OK button. The Easy Install window appears.

    At this point you have two options:

    Easy Install, which installs the Macintosh system software and printer software recommended for your computer, or

    Customize Install, which lets you override the recommended software and choose the software you want installed.

    Note For Macintosh Quadra, PowerBook, and LC Users: When installing System 7.1 on the Quadra 700, 900, and 950; Macintosh LC and LCII; and PowerBooks 100, 140, and 170, use the Easy Install option, or choose "System software for any Macintosh" in the Custom Install window. Do not use Custom Install for other software choices -- the Monitors control panel will not install properly if you use this option.

    Easy Install
      1. Click the Switch Disk button to select the disk you want to install with system software.
      2. Click the Install button to do the Easy Install.
      3. Follow the instructions on the screen. Messages appear, prompting you for the proper disks. When installation finishes, a dialog box appears.
      4. Click the Quit Button.
      5. Select Restart from the Special menu.

    Customize Install
      1. Click the Customize button.
      2. When a window appears, click the Switch Disk button to select the disk you want to install with system software.
      3. Select the items you want to install. Press the Shift key, and click to select multiple items. Your selections appear beneath the scrolling window.
      4. When you have made your selections, click the Install button. Messages appear, prompting you for the proper disks. You will see a message telling you that installation is complete.
      Click the Quit button.

    Net Install

    If someone has previously set it up, you can install System 7.1 over a network:

    Connect to the shared disk that contains the Net Install folder.
    Open the Net Install folder.
    Double-click the Installer icon.
    Follow the instructions under "Easy Install" or "Customize Install," which appear earlier in this document.

    If Installation Fails

    If a normal installation fails, you need to do a "clean" system software installation. If you want to use the fonts installed in your old system file, you'll have to temporarily remove them:

    If you are currently using system software version 7.0 or 7.0.1, double-click the System file and remove any needed fonts or sounds from the System file.

    With versions of System 6, use Font/DA Mover to save fonts and desk accessories to a font suitcase.

    Start up with the Disk Tools disk. To do this, shut down the Macintosh, insert the Disk Tools disk into the floppy drive, then startup your Macintosh.

    If the computer ejects the Disk Tools disk and will not start up from it, be sure you have an Apple SuperDrive (formerly called FDHD). If your computer does not have a SuperDrive, you need 800K disks. Call the Apple Order Center to get them.

    If you already have 800K disks, and your computer will not start up from the Disk Tools disk, you may have a computer that will not start up from System 6. Boot from the Disk Tools disk that shipped with your Macintosh and follow the instructions in a related document titled "System 7.1 Clean Installation". A clean system installation will create a completely new System Folder on the hard disk. This new System Folder will have fresh copies of all the system components.

    After Installation is Complete

    If you want to use the fonts and desk accessories that were installed in your old System file, drag the font files to the new System Folder on your hard drive. The system will automatically place the fonts into the Font folder. Drag the desk accessories to the Apple Menu Items folder.

    If you installed any software that modified your old System file, you need to reinstall that software after you install System 7.1. Delete the old System file from the desktop. The Installer program doesn't install QuickTime 1.5 automatically. Use the QuickTime disk to install the QuickTime extension.

    If you need to create an empty suitcase, duplicate an existing suitcase. Drag the contents of the duplicated suitcase to the Trash. You can duplicate the remaining suitcase whenever you need one.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: System 7.0x-7.1.x
Sub Category: Troubleshooting

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.