Apple Products: Dates Introduced and Discontinued
Article ID:


    This article lists the approximate date of introduction and, where applicable, the date when the model was discontinued for various Apple products. Dates which are missing from the table will be added as they occur.



    Apple II Series             Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------------             --------------          --------------
    Apple II                    August    1978          December  1982
    Apple II+                   June      1979          June      1983
    Apple IIc                   April     1984          September 1988
    Apple IIc Plus              September 1988          November  1990
    Apple IIe                   January   1983          March     1985
    Apple IIe Enhanced          March     1985          November  1993
    Apple IIGS                  September 1986          December  1992

    Apple III Series            Introduced              Discontinued
    ----------------            --------------          --------------
    Apple III                   May       1980          September 1985
    Apple III+                  December  1983          September 1985

    Lisa                        Introduced              Discontinued
    ----                        --------------          --------------

    Lisa 2                      January   1984          January   1985
    Lisa 2/5                    January   1984          January   1985
    Lisa 2/10                   January   1984          January   1985

    Macintosh                   Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------                   --------------          --------------
    Mac 128K                    January   1984          October   1985
    Mac 512K                    September 1984          April     1986
    Mac 512Ke                   April     1986          August    1986
    Mac Plus                    January   1986          October   1990
    Macintosh Classic           October   1990          October   1991
    Macintosh Classic II        October   1991          September 1993
    Macintosh Color Classic     February  1993          May       1994
    Macintosh LC                November  1990          March     1992
    Macintosh LC II             March     1992          March     1993
    Macintosh LC III            February  1993          February  1994
    Macintosh LC 475            October   1993

    Macintosh LC 520            June      1993          February  1995
    Macintosh LC 550            February  1994          April     1995
    Macintosh LC 575            February  1994          April     1995
    Macintosh LC 580            April     1995
    Macintosh LC 630            July      1994          April     1995
    Macintosh LC 630
    DOS Compatible             April     1995          April     1996
    Macintosh Portable          September 1989          January   1991
    Macintosh SE                March     1987          October   1990
    Macintosh SE/30             January   1989          October   1990
    Macintosh SE FDHD           August    1989          October   1990
    Macintosh TV                October   1993
    Macintosh XL                January   1985          August    1986

    Macintosh II                Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                --------------          --------------
    Macintosh II                March     1987          January   1990
    Macintosh IIx               October   1988          October   1990

    Macintosh IIcx              March     1989          March     1991
    Macintosh IIci              September 1989          February  1993
    Macintosh IIfx              March     1990          April     1992
    Macintosh IIsi              October   1990          March     1993
    Macintosh IIvx              October   1992          October   1993

    Centris                     Introduced              Discontinued
    -------                     --------------          --------------
    Macintosh Centris 610       February  1993          October   1993
    Macintosh Centris 650       February  1993          October   1993
    Macintosh Centris 660AV     August    1993          October   1993

    Quadra                      Introduced              Discontinued
    ------                      --------------          --------------
    Quadra 605                  October   1993          October   1994
    Quadra 610                  October   1993          May       1994
    Quadra 630                  July      1994          April     1995
    Quadra 650                  October   1993          September 1994

    Quadra 660AV                October   1993          September 1994
    Quadra 700                  October   1991          March     1993
    Quadra 800                  February  1993          March     1994
    Quadra 840AV                August    1993          July      1994
    Quadra 900                  October   1991          May       1992
    Quadra 950                  May       1992          October   1995

    Power Macintosh             Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------------             --------------          --------------
    Power Macintosh 4400/160    November  1996
    (Europe only)
    Power Macintosh 4400/200    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC  April     1995          April     1996
    Power Macintosh 5260/100    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 5260/120    October   1996
    Power Macintosh 5300/100 LC September 1995
    Power Macintosh 5400/120    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 5400/180    October   1996
    Power Macintosh 5500/225    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 6400/200    October   1996
    Power Macintosh 6500/225    February  1997

    Power Macintosh 6500/250    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 6100/60     March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 6100/60AV   March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 6100/66     January   1995          October   1995
    Power Macintosh 6100/66AV   January   1995          April     1995
    Power Macintosh 6100/66
    DOS Compatible             January   1995
    Power Macintosh 7100/66     March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 7100/66AV   March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 7100/80     January   1995          January   1996
    Power Macintosh 7100/80AV   January   1995          August    1995
    Power Macintosh 7200/75     August    1995          March     1996
    Power Macintosh 7200/90     August    1995
    Power Macintosh 7200/120    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 7200/120    April     1996          February  1997
    PC Compatible
    Power Macintosh 7300/180    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 7300/200    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 7500/100    August    1995
    Power Macintosh 7600/120    April     1996

    Power Macintosh 7600/200    November  1997
    Power Macintosh 8100/80     March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 8100/80AV   March     1994          January   1995
    Power Macintosh 8100/100    January   1995          October   1995
    Power Macintosh 8100/100AV  January   1995          August    1995
    Power Macintosh 8100/110    November  1994          August    1995
    Power Macintosh 8200/100    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 8200/120    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 8500/120    August    1995
    Power Macintosh 8500/132    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 8500/150    April     1996
    Power Macintosh 8500/180    August    1996
    Power Macintosh 8600/200    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 9500/120    June      1995          May  1996
    Power Macintosh 9500/132    June      1995          July 1996
    Power Macintosh 9500/150    April     1996          August 1996
    Power Macintosh 9500/200    August    1996
    Power Macintosh 9500/180MP  August    1996
    Power Macintosh 9600/200    February  1997
    Power Macintosh 9600/200MP  February  1997

    PowerBook                   Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------                   --------------          --------------
    PowerBook 100               October   1991          July      1992
    PowerBook 140               October   1991          August    1992
    PowerBook 145               August    1992          June      1993
    PowerBook 145b              June      1993          July      1994
    PowerBook 150               July      1994          October   1995
    PowerBook 160               October   1992          August    1993
    PowerBook 165               August    1993          July      1994
    PowerBook 165c              February  1993          December  1993
    PowerBook 170               October   1991          October   1992
    PowerBook 180               October   1992          May       1994
    PowerBook 180c              June      1993          March     1994
    PowerBook 190/66            August    1995
    PowerBook 190cs/66          August    1995          September 1996*
    PowerBook 520               May       1994          June      1995

    PowerBook 520c              May       1994          September 1995
    PowerBook 540               May       1994          October   1994
    PowerBook 540c              May       1994          August    1995
    PowerBook 550c              May       1995
    (Available in Japan Only)
    PowerBook 1400cs/117        October   1996
    PowerBook 1400c/117         October   1996          February  1997
    PowerBook 1400c/133         October   1996

    PowerBook 1400c/166         June      1997
    PowerBook 1400cs/133        April     1997
    PowerBook 1400cs/166        October   1997
    PowerBook 3400c/180         February  1997
    PowerBook 3400c/200         February  1997
    PowerBook 3400c/240         February  1997
    PowerBook 5300/100          August    1995          August    1996
    PowerBook 5300c/100         August    1995          September 1996**
    PowerBook 5300ce/117        August    1995          September 1996
    PowerBook 5300cs/100        August    1995          August    1996
    PowerBook Duo 210           October   1992          October   1993
    PowerBook Duo 230           October   1992          July      1994
    PowerBook Duo 250           October   1993          May       1994

    PowerBook Duo 270c          October   1993          May       1994
    PowerBook Duo 280           May       1994          November  1994
    PowerBook Duo 280c          May       1994          January   1996
    PowerBook Duo 2300c/100     August    1995

    PowerBook G3                October   1997

    *  The PowerBook 190cs 8/500 configuration was discontinued 9/96,
    the 4/500 configuration was not.
    ** The PowerBook 5300c 8/500 configuration was discontinued 9/96,
    the 16/750 configuration was not.

    PowerBook Docking Solutions  Introduced             Discontinued
    ---------------------------  --------------         --------------
    PowerBook Duo MiniDock       October   1992         August    1995
    PowerBook Duo Dock           October   1992         July      1995
    PowerBook Duo Dock II        May       1994         May       1995
    PowerBook Duo Dock Plus      May       1995

    Performa                    Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------                   --------------          --------------
    Performa 200                October   1992          April     1993

    Performa 400                October   1992          April     1993
    Performa 405                April     1993
    Performa 410                October   1993
    Performa 430                April     1993
    Performa 450                April     1993
    Performa 460                October   1993
    Performa 466                October   1993
    Performa 467                October   1993
    Performa 475                October   1993
    Performa 476                October   1993
    Performa 550                October   1993
    Performa 560                January   1994
    Performa 575                April     1994
    Performa 577                April     1994
    Performa 578                April     1994
    Performa 580                May       1995
    Performa 588                April     1995
    Performa 600                October   1992          October   1993
    Performa 630                July      1994
    Performa 630CD              July      1994
    Performa 631                July      1995
    Performa 635                July      1994
    Performa 635CD              July      1994

    Performa 636                July      1994
    Performa 637CD              July      1994
    Performa 638CD              July      1994
    Performa 640
    DOS Compatible             May       1995
    Performa 5200CD             July      1995
    Performa 5210               May       1995
    Performa 5215               July      1995
    Performa 5220               May       1995
    Performa 5300               October   1995
    Performa 6110               September 1994
    Performa 6112               September 1994
    Performa 6115               September 1994
    Performa 6116               July      1995
    Performa 6117               September 1994
    Performa 6118               September 1994
    Performa 6200               July      1995
    Performa 6205               August    1995
    Performa 6214               August    1995
    Performa 6216               July      1995
    Performa 6218               July      1995
    Performa 6220               July      1995
    Performa 6290               January   1996
    Performa 6230               July      1995
    Performa 6300               October   1995

    Performa 6320               April     1996         September 1996
    Performa 6400               August    1996
    Performa 6360/160           October   1996

    Apple Servers               Introduced              Discontinued
    -------------               ---------------         --------------
    Network Server 500/132      April     1996
    Network Server 700/150      April     1996
    Network Server 700/200      September 1996
    Workgroup Server 60         July      1993         October   1993
    Workgroup Server 80         March     1993         October   1994
    Workgroup Server 95         March     1993         April     1995
    Workgroup Server 6150/60    April     1994         April     1995
    Workgroup Server 6150/66    April     1995         October   1995
    Workgroup Server 7250/120   Feb       1996
    Workgroup Server 8150/80    April     1994
    Workgroup Server 8150/110   April     1995
    Workgroup Server 8550/132   September 1996
    Workgroup Server 8550/200   September 1996
    Workgroup Server 8550/132   April     1996
    Workgroup Server 9150/80    April     1994         October   1994

    Workgroup Server 9150/120   April     1995


    ImageWriters                Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                --------------          --------------
    ImageWriter 15"             April     1984          September 1987
    ImageWriter I               June      1984          December  1985
    ImageWriter II              September 1985
    ImageWriter LQ              August    1987          December  1990

    LaserWriters                Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                --------------          --------------
    Color LaserWriter 12/600    June      1995
    LaserWriter                 March     1985          February  1988
    LaserWriter 12/640 PS       June      1996
    LaserWriter 16/600 PS       September 1994
    LaserWriter Plus            January   1986          February  1988
    LaserWriter IISC            January   1988          July      1990
    LaserWriter IINT            January   1988          October   1991
    LaserWriter IINTX           January   1988          October   1991

    LaserWriter IIf             October   1991          May       1993
    LaserWriter IIg             October   1991          October   1993
    LaserWriter Pro 600         January   1993          October   1993
    LaserWriter Pro 630         January   1993          September 1994
    LaserWriter Pro 810         October   1993          November  1994
    LaserWriter Select 300      February  1993          January   1995
    LaserWriter Select 310      February  1993          January   1994
    LaserWriter Select 360      October   1993          April     1996
    Personal LaserWriter LS     March     1991          May       1993
    Personal LaserWriter NT     July      1990                    1994
    Personal LaserWriter NTR    March     1992          September 1993
    Personal LaserWriter SC     June      1990          September 1993
    Personal LaserWriter 300    June      1993                    1994
    Personal LaserWriter 320    October   1993          September 1995

    StyleWriters                Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                --------------          --------------

    Color StyleWriter 1500      February  1996
    Color StyleWriter 2200      June      1995
    Color StyleWriter 2400      September 1994
    Color StyleWriter 2500      February  1996
    Color StyleWriter Pro       February  1994          December  1995
    Portable StyleWriter        June      1993          May       1995
    StyleWriter                 March     1991          January   1993
    StyleWriter 1200            April     1995
    StyleWriter II              January   1993          April     1995

    Other Printers              Introduced              Discontinued
    --------------              --------------          --------------
    Apple Color Printer         January   1993          February  1994
    Apple Daisy Wheel Printer   May       1980          September 1986
    Apple Dot Matrix Printer    May       1980          December  1985
    Scribe                      April     1984          August    1986
    Silentype                   January   1980          June      1984


    Scanners                        Introduced              Discontinued

    ------------                    --------------          --------------
    Apple Scanner                   August    1988          September 1991
    Apple OneScanner                September 1991          June      1994
    Apple Color OneScanner          January   1993
    Apple Color OneScanner 600/27   March     1996
    Apple Color OneScanner 1200/30  September 1996

    Digital Cameras                 Introduced              Discontinued
    ---------------                 --------------          --------------
    QuickTake 100                   February  1994
    QuickTake 150                   March     1995
    QuickTake 200                   February  1997

    Monitors                     Introduced             Discontinued
    ------------                 --------------         --------------
    AppleColor High-Res RGB      March     1987         December  1992
    AppleColor RGB               September 1986         January   1993
    AppleVision 1710             January   1996
    AppleVision 1710AV           August    1995
    Apple AudioVision 14         August    1993         October   1995

    Apple Basic Color            February  1993         October   1993
    Apple Color Plus Display     October   1993
    Apple High-Res Mono          March     1989         February  1991
    Apple Multiple Scan 14       August    1995         February  1997
    Apple Multiple Scan 15       July      1994         February  1997
    Apple Multiple Scan 17       March     1994
    Apple Multiple Scan 20       March     1994
    Macintosh 12-inch Mono       December  1990         October   1993
    Macintosh 12-inch RGB        October   1990         March     1993
    Macintosh 16-inch Color      October   1991         April     1994
    Macintosh 21-inch Color      October   1991         March     1994
    Macintosh Color 14 Display   December  1992
    Macintosh Portrait Display   March     1989         December  1992
    Macintosh Two-Page Mono      March     1989         December  1992
    Performa Display             September 1992         July      1994
    Performa Plus Display        September 1992

    ColorSync 17-inch Display    January   1998*
    ColorSync 17-inch AV Display January   1998*
    ColorSync 20-inch Display    January   1998*
    ColorSync 20-inch AV Display January   1998*

    *Note: The ColorSync 17-inch and 20-inch Displays were formerly
    named the AppleVision 750 and AppleVision 850, and were
    introduced with those names in August and
    May 1997, respectively.

    Modems                        Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                  --------------          --------------

    Apple Personal Modem          September 1985          December  1990
    Apple Modem 2400              July      1989          December  1992
    PowerBook Data/Fax Modem      October   1991          November  1993
    PowerBook Express Modem       October   1992
    PowerBook Express Modem II    October   1992
    (Available in Europe Only)

    PIE                         Introduced              Discontinued
    ------------                --------------          --------------
    Apple MessagePad            August    1993          March 1994
    Apple MessagePad 100        March     1994          January 1995
    Apple MessagePad 110        March     1994          January 1995
    Apple MessagePad 120        January   1995
    Apple MessagePad 130        March     1996
    Apple MessagePad 2000       February  1997
    Apple eMate 300             February  1997

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