System 7.1: Script and Language Availability
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    This article tells you what languages are currently available with system
    software sold in various parts of the world.


    The System 7 MultiPack Upgrade Kit contains many European based, localized
    versions of System 7.1. These languages are: British, Czechoslovakian,
    Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, French-Canadian, German, Italian,
    International (also known as Z version, which is basically U.S. English
    with support for other countries such as date and time), Norwegian,
    Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Swiss-French, Swiss-German, Turkish, U.S.
    Since these are all Roman scripts, they don't need WorldScript I or II, but
    they have all the resources including fonts to support those languages.
    The Roman-based languages don't have a WorldScript piece that you drop into
    your System Folder, and then have the ability to switch between two
    languages; rather, they are fully localized versions of the system.

    The documentation on the CD states that the 800 number only supports
    English. As of today, no localized keyboards are available from Apple in
    the U.S. for other languages.

    None of the WorldScript I (Hebrew, Thai, and so on) or WorldScript II
    languages (Japanese, Chinese, and so on) appear on the MultiPack CD. As
    such, there's no U.S. upgrade kit to provide the WorldScript I or II
    extension or any supporting resources for those languages that require them
    (for example, Arabic, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and so on).

    WorldScript II is sold in Japan and WorldScript I for Hebrew is also being
    sold. They are equivalent to the PUK in the U.S. There are no multiple
    CDs being sold in any Pacific countries for 7.1.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: System 7.0x-7.1.x
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.