Macintosh LC III: Using with a VGA Monitor (2/93)
Article ID:


    This article describes how to connect a VGA monitor to a Macintosh LC III.


    To connect a VGA monitor to the Macintosh LC III video port, a cable
    with the following configuration is required.

    Macintosh LC III
    DB-15 VGA Connector
    ------------- --------------

    2 ------------------- Red Video ------------ 1
    1 ------------------- Red Ground ----------- 6
    9 ------------------- Blue Video ----------- 3
    13 ------------------- Blue Ground ---------- 8
    5 ------------------- Green Video ---------- 2
    6 ------------------- Green Ground --------- 7
    15 ------------------- Hsync ---------------- 13
    12 ------------------- Vsync ---------------- 14
    14 ------------------- Sync Ground ---------- 10
    10 ---------------- |
    7 ---------------- |Connect 7 & 10 so the sense pin ID will equal VGA

    A few issues to remember when connecting VGA monitors to the
    Macintosh LC III:

    * VGA monitors may have variances when purchased from different VGA
    monitor vendors. Test a particular monitor for compatibility with the
    Macintosh LC III before buying.

    * VGA monitors from different vendors have different image quality
    specifications. There may be significant differences between Apple-
    brand monitors and VGA monitors. Look at the monitors side-by-side before

    * When a VGA monitor is connected as described above, the resolution is
    640 x 480.

    * The bit depth supported depends on the amount of VRAM installed. The
    Macintosh LC III ships with 512K of VRAM in one VRAM SIMM socket and is
    expandable to 768K.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Macintosh LC
Sub Category: Macintosh LC III

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