Centris: Performance Questions (5/93)
Article ID:


    Is there any known or measured performance difference in using Excel or
    other math intensive applications on a Macintosh IIci and on a Centris
    610? Is there any compatibility issues with the Centris 610, since it
    does not have a floating point unit (FPU)?

    Can you provide me with some sort of a benchmark or comparison chart that
    compares the Macintosh IIci, Macintosh Centris 610 & 650, and Quadra 700
    & 800? The product introduction materials only show overall system


    Product Marketing sent me with the following information. The testing for
    these comparisons was done as "application-level benchmarks":

    Centris 610 is up to 2 times faster than a Macintosh IIvx/IIci
    Centris 650 is up to 3 times faster than a Macintosh IIvx/IIci
    Centris 650 is 30% faster than a Centris 610
    Quadra 800 is 25% faster than a Centris 650

    When asked specifically about the possibility of upgrading the 68LC040 (no
    FPU) to a 68RC040 (includes FPU), they responded that, "This is neither
    endorsed nor recommended by Apple, and will not be an Apple offering."
    They speculate that some enterprising third party might offer such an
    upgrade kit in the future, but they do not know of one now.

    Since it has no FPU, the Centris 610 would require applications that are
    not dependent on the presence of an FPU for compatibility reasons.

    While performance could be expected to be slow on the Centris 610 for a
    very math intensive application it is expected that the Centris 610 would
    still be somewhat faster than the Macintosh IIci.

    If your customer wants specifics about performance, Speedometer is a
    public domain tool which provides performance comparisons. On America
    OnLine is an article that gives a detailed comparison of a number of CPUs
    including the Centris 610/650 and Quadra 700/800/950. That comparison
    table is included here in the hope that it will answer your customer's

    --------------------- Article from America OnLine ----------------------

    Here are Speedometer 3.11 numbers for some new machines. Also included
    are performance numbers for the Macintosh IIvx, Quadra 700 & 950 for
    comparison purposes. The Apple 1 gigabyte hard disk was used for all
    machines. The LC III had an FPU installed, the Centris 650 had a 68040,
    not a 68LC040 (that is, it had a hardware FPU), and the Centris 610 used
    a 68LC040 (in other words, no FPU). An Apple 14-inch color display was
    used on all machines. The disk cache was set to 256K on all machines.

    Test LC III IIvx C610 C650 Q700 Q800 Q950
    ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

    CPU 6.89 7.03 13.01 16.32 16.17 21.62 21.62
    Graf 7.91 8.31 17.08 21.26 20.19 27.38 25.62
    Disk 3.40 2.93 4.94 4.99 5.14 5.09 5.24
    Math 23.87 23.52 24.58 95.95 95.87 128.07 127.97
    P.R. 8.20 8.24 13.77 23.50 23.14 30.69 30.18

    KWhet 47.51 46.70 31.73 195.69 155.08 256.85 205.48
    Dhry 5.85 5.72 15.71 19.74 19.74 26.32 26.32
    Towers 5.83 5.29 15.22 18.91 18.91 26.00 24.96
    QuickSrt 6.52 7.15 14.31 17.76 17.76 23.41 23.41
    Bub. Srt 7.71 8.18 14.46 18.00 18.00 24.55 24.55
    Queens 7.90 7.39 14.77 19.08 19.08 24.10 25.44
    Puzzle 8.95 10.27 17.91 22.46 22.84 30.11 30.11
    Permute 6.92 5.13 16.38 20.25 20.63 27.85 27.17
    FFT 25.86 24.82 21.35 123.59 123.59 163.07 165.37
    F.P. Mtrx 25.54 25.24 22.68 124.75 122.40 170.71 166.33
    Int Mtrx 7.36 8.73 19.25 23.53 24.20 32.58 31.37
    Sieve 8.61 8.06 16.69 20.54 19.07 27.09 25.26
    Bench Ave. 13.71 13.56 18.37 52.03 48.44 69.39 64.65

    FPU FFT 1.95 2.00 N/A 5.60 5.60 7.64 7.64
    FPU KWhet 2.10 2.69 N/A 11.31 11.02 15.36 14.83
    FPU Matrix 2.12 2.73 N/A 11.50 10.73 14.64 13.42
    FPU Ave. 2.06 2.47 N/A 9.47 9.12 12.54 11.96

    Color Graphics
    Mono 2.03 2.14 4.16 5.08 4.83 6.46 6.08
    2 Bit 2.17 2.24 4.43 5.42 5.17 6.91 6.53
    4 Bit 2.31 2.28 4.58 5.60 5.26 7.16 6.69
    8 Bit 2.33 2.17 4.64 5.72 5.36 7.33 6.79
    Color Ave. 2.21 2.21 4.45 5.45 5.15 6.97 6.52

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Macintosh Quadra & Centris
Sub Category: Quadra/Centris 610 & 650

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.