File Assistant Synchronizer: Types of Updates (6/93)
Article ID:


    Article Created: 7 June 1993

    This article tells you what kinds of updates are possible in two linked
    items, and what action to expect when you make changes in one of the items.


    There are three kinds of changes you can make to linked items:

    * Modify the file or folder.

    * Delete the file or folder, or move it to another place on the disk.

    * Replace the file with another file of the same name.

    When the PowerBook File Assistant notices these changes, it does the

    * Modify
    * In a two-way link, the unchanged file or folder is updated.
    * In a one-way link, if the arrow points to the unchanged file, the
    unchanged file is updated. If the arrow points to the changed file,
    nothing happens.

    * Delete
    * In a two-way link, you get a message asking if you want to delete the
    other item.
    * In a one-way link, if the arrow points to the deleted item, the deleted
    item is updated. If the arrow points to the undeleted item, you get a
    message asking if you want it deleted.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: Software

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