Macintosh AV Series: Bundled Software (12/93)
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Is there a list of the software that included with the Macintosh Centris 660AV, Quadra 660AV and the Quadra 840AV?
Each member of the Macintosh AV Series ship with a number of sample applications that showcase some of the AV capabilities. Both demo applications and utilities are provided by Apple and third party developers.
ApplePhone 1.0 from Apple - this application uses the DSP to provide easy-to-use speakerphone/answering machine capabilities. (Requires the Geoport Telecom Adapter.)
ApplePhone 1.0 and 1.0.1 is an example program that Apple does not support. The Macintosh AV team created the program to show the capabilities of the AV technology. Apple does not intend to do any further work to this example program and it has been removed from Apple Software Updates. This ApplePhone software is NOT related in any way to the ApplePhone software that is a part of the Apple Telecom 3.x package. Apple Telecom 3.x also includes Apple Address Book and Apple Fax software.
FaxTerminal 1.0 - a data and fax modem application (Included with the GeoPort Telecom Adapter.)
ExperFax 1.02 from ExperVision - reads fax documents and converts text into a format that can be used with word processing applications. (This version of ExperFax has a limited life, users will able to process 30 conversions at up to 99 pages)
FusionRecorder 1.0 from VideoFusion - allows users to create QuickTime movies by connecting to a video source, and will create audio files at up to 16 bits with sample rates up to 48 KHz.
Video Monitor 1.0.1 from Apple - provides a live video window with print and capture capability.
Script Editor 1.0 from Apple - allows users to create and edit AppleScript scripts.
Speech Macro Editor 1.0 from Apple - lets users create and edit speech macros using AppleScript or QuicKeys as the engine.
QuicKeys OSA Component from CE Software - when used with the Speech Macro Editor, the user can create speech macros that use QuicKeys as the script engine.
QuicKeys Test Drive from CE Software - time limited trial version of the popular macro making utility.
Sound Effects 1.0 from Apple - an extension that allows various special effects to be applied to any sound/audio output.
ES*F2F 2.02 from the Electronic Studio - a LAN based video conferencing application that allows any two users on a LAN to connect and see each other, sound is not supported.
To contact third party vendors for further information on bundled software, search the Tech Info Library by the company's name: VideoFusion, ExperVision, CE Software or The Electronic Studio.