This article details the contents of System 7.0, shipped on seven
1.4MB floppy disks. (A separate article describes the contents of the same
software as shipped on 800K disks.)
AppleLink: N/A
FTP /dts/mac/sys.soft/7.0
Disk Name: Version: Apple Part Number:
Before You Install System 7 690-5687
Before You Install System 7 1.0
Compatibility Checker 1.0
Late Breaking News
Read Me
TeachText 1.2
Disk Tools 690-5819
Apple HD SC Setup 7.0
Disk First Aid 7.0
System Folder
- Apple Menu Items
- Control Panels
- Extensions
- Finder 7.0
- Fonts
- Preferences
-Finder Preferences
- Startup Items
- System 7.0
Fonts 690-5821
Athens N/A
Cairo N/A
Chicago N/A
Courier N/A
Geneva N/A
Helvetica N/A
London N/A
Los Angeles N/A
Monaco N/A
New York N/A
Palatino N/A
San Francisco N/A
Symbol N/A
Times N/A
Venice N/A
Article Change History:
13 June 1995 - Corrected typos