LC 475, 476, 520, Performa 550, Quadra 605 Ext. Mic (8/95)
Article ID:


    No microphone is bundled with the Macintosh LC╩475, Performa 475 and 476,
    and Quadra 605 computers. This article describes the microphone, sold
    separately, that you need in order to record sounds using the built-in
    microphone port.


    The Macintosh LC╩475, Performa 475 and 476, and Quadra 605 computers
    require the new PlainTalk microphone. Microphones bundled with earlier
    Macintosh models do not work with these computers.

    The Macintosh LC 520 and Performa 550 computers use the PlainTalk microphone.
    Both of these computers have built-in microphones, but also have external
    microphone jacks. To use the external microphone jack, you need a PlainTalk

    The PlainTalk microphone and the older microphone share a 3.5mm phono
    plug, but the PlainTalk microphone has a longer plug (.75 inch vs.
    .5 inch). Consequently, the old microphone does not seat fully in the
    microphone socket of the PlainTalk microphone.

    Ordering Information
    M9060Z/A Apple PlainTalk Microphone

    Article Change History:
    30 Aug 1995 - Changed diameter of microphone plug.
    17 Jan 1994 - Added LC 520 and Performa 550 info.

    Support Information Services

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Macintosh LC
Sub Category: Macintosh LC 475; Macintosh LC 520; Macintosh LC 550

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.