PowerBook Duo 250: Description
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    This article describes the Apple PowerBook Duo 250 computer.


    The PowerBook Duo 250 offers a high-speed processor, an active matrix screen, large RAM expansion, and desktop expansion in a package that weighs 4.2 pounds. It features a 68030 microprocessor that runs at 33 megahertz, and supports up to 24 megabytes of RAM. The PowerBook Duo 250 also includes a 9-inch (229-millimeter) backlit, active-matrix display.

    The PowerBook Duo 250 can be transformed into a desktop Macintosh by attaching it to an optional PowerBook Duo Dock or MiniDock. You can then work with a large color display, expanded keyboard, printers, and network servers.


    Power and speed
    * 33-MHz 68030 microprocessor

    * 4MB of RAM, expandable to 24MB

    * Bright, backlit, active-matrix display (640 by 400 pixels)
    * Full-page-width, 9-in. diagonal; 16-level gray scale
    * Adjustable brightness and contrast controls

    Battery life
    * 2.5 to 6 hours on a single charge

    * Built-in high-speed serial port for peri-pheral devices, including LocalTalk network and printers
    * Slots for internal modem and RAM
    * Docking connector
    * Optional PowerBook Express Modem

    * Runs thousands of Macintosh applications
    * Easy to set up, learn, use, and expand

    System software
    * System software version 7, with multitasking, file sharing, Balloon Help, TrueType fonts, and more

    * Built-in LocalTalk networking
    * File sharing without a dedicated server

    * Reads and writes Macintosh, Windows, MS-DOS, OS/2, and ProDOS floppy disk formats with appropriate software

    Ordering Information

    PowerBook Duo 250 4/200
    Order No. M1933LL/A
    * PowerBook Duo 250 computer with 4MB of RAM and internal 200MB hard disk
    * Battery and AC adapter
    * System software version 7.1
    * Complete setup, learning, and reference documentation
    * Training software
    * Limited warranty

    Optional PowerBook Duo 250 configuration
    Order No. M4189LL/A
    * PowerBook Duo 250 computer with 12MB of RAM, internal 200MB hard disk and internal PowerBook Express Modem with Express Fax software

    PowerBook Duo 4MB Memory
    Expansion Kit*
    Order No. M4184LL/A

    PowerBook Duo 8MB Memory
    Expansion Kit*
    Order No. M4185LL/A

    PowerBook Duo Fax/Data Modem
    (U.S., Canada, Japan)
    Order No. M0970LL/A

    Express Modem for PowerBook Duo*
    (U.S., Canada, Japan)
    Order No. M4186LL/A

    PowerBook Duo Rechargeable Battery
    Order No. M1835LL/A

    PowerBook Duo AC Adapter
    Order No. M4174LL/A

    PowerBook Duo Battery Recharger
    Order No. M4178LL/A
    Service Part 922-0576

    Apple HDI-30 SCSI Disk Adapter
    Order No. M2539LL/A

    Apple HDI-30 SCSI System Cable
    Order No. M2538LL/A

    *Dealer installation recommended

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook 200 Series (Duo)

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