Newton MessagePad: Installing System Updates
Article ID:


    How do I install system updates onto my Newton MessagePad?


    Apple is currently distributing system updates for your Newton MessagePad by the following methods:

    If you have the Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh or Windows, you can:

    1) Call the Newton Fulfillment Center at 1-800-242-3374 and order a floppy disk containing the system update. You can then use your Newton Connection Kit to download the system update from your personal computer to your Newton.

    2) Download the system update from on-line services, such as Compuserve, America Online and others. You can then use your Newton Connection Kit to download the system update from your personal computer to your Newton.

    If you do not have the Newton Connection Kit, you can call the Newton Fulfillment Center at 1-800-242-3374 and order the system update on a PCMCIA card. You can then transfer the system update from the PCMCIA card to your Newton.

    The instructions below work with Newton System Update 1.05. Earlier system updates had other distribution methods and slightly different installation instructions.

    Installing by Connection Kit
    To install a system update with the Newton Connection Kit, follow these steps:

    1) Connect your personal computer to your Newton. (See your Newton Connection Kit manual for instructions.)

    2) Open the Newton Connection Kit on your personal computer.

    3) Synchronize and back up the information in your Newton.

    NOTE : You must back up the information in your Newton BEFORE installing the update. Installing System Update 1.05 will erase all information in your Newton. Earlier system updates did not erase your Newton's information.

    4) Click the Install Package icon on your personal computer.

    5) Select the system update in the dialog box, then click OK. For System Update 1.05, select "Update 1.05 for Connection."

    6) On your Newton, open the Extras drawer and tap Connection.

    7) Tap the type of connection you are making between your Newton and your personal computer, then tap Connect

    8) Your Newton will ask if you have backed up your information, because installing the update will erase your information. If you have made a backup, tap OK.

    9) Your Newton will ask you to confirm that you have backed up your information. Tap OK. The update is now installed. Once the update is installed, your Newton will restart.

    10) Follow the instructions that ask you to tap several Xs on your Newton screen.

    11) On your personal computer, click OK in the dialog box telling you that installation was successful.

    12) Click Restore. In the dialog box that appears, locate and select your backup file to restore your information.

    You've now installed the system update and restored the information in your Newton. The version number at the bottom of your Newton's Prefs should now be 1.05.

    NOTE: Be sure to reset the date and time in the Date and Time preferences.

    Installing by PCMCIA Card
    To install a system update with a PCMCIA card, follow these steps:

    1) Back up the information in your Newton using Newton Connection or a Memory Card. (See your Newton MessagePad or Newton Connection Kit documentation for instructions.)

    NOTE: You must back up the information in your Newton BEFORE installing the update. Installing System Update 1.05 will erase all information in your Newton. Earlier system updates did not erase your Newton's information.

    2) Turn off your MessagePad and remove your current PCMCIA card.

    3) Insert the PCMCIA card which contains the system update and close the card lock switch. The system update will automatically download.

    4) Your Newton will ask if you have backed up your information. If you have made a backup, tap OK. If not, back up your information as described above and begin this procedure again.

    5) Newton asks you to confirm that you have backed up your information. Tap OK. The system update is installed. Once the update is installed, your Newton will restart.

    6) Follow the instructions that ask you tap several Xs on your Newton screen.

    7) Restore your information either from your card or from the Newton Connection Kit.

    You've now installed the system update and restored the information in your Newton. The version number at the bottom of your Newton's Prefs should now be 1.05.

    NOTE: Be sure to reset the date and time in the Date and Time preferences.

    If have any problems following these instructions, you can call 1-800-871-6633 or 1-800-SOS APPL (767-2775) for assistance.

Document Information
Product Area: Newton
Category: Newton OS
Sub Category: 1.x

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.