ARA 2.0 Personal Service: PowerBook & Client Issues
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    This article describes potential issues you may encounter while using Apple Remote Access Personal Service or Client on PowerBook computers and offers suggestions for solving these issues.


    1) When running Remote Access Personal Service or Client on any PowerBook with an internal modem:

    Remember that the PowerBook control panel controls which physical modem port the PowerBook will use. Make sure your port selection in the Remote Access Setup window and modem script selection are consistent with the PowerBook control panel.

    For example, if you want to use your internal Apple Data Modem, you must do the following:

    * In the PowerBook control panel, click the Internal Modem button.
    * In the Remote Access Setup window, choose Apple Modem 2400 from the Modem pup-up menu.

    2) When running Apple Remote Access Personal Service or Client on any model PowerBook with an Express Modem:

    * In the PowerBook control panel you change from Internal to External Modem. Then you go to the Remote Access Setup window to select the appropriate port and there is no external modem pop-up selection. You need to close the Remote Access Setup window, then open it again to get both selections.

    * You have an active Remote Access connection using the Express Modem. If the PowerBook goes to sleep (either because you put it to sleep or because it went to sleep automatically) the PowerBook will freeze. Restart your computer by pressing the reset button. In order to have the Sleep option function correctly, you must first disconnect your Remote Access connection.

    * Disregard the Express Modem Read Me which states that you should automatically remove the Serial Port Arbitrator from the Extensions fold in the System Folder. Only remove the Serial Port Arbitrator if it is causing problems (for instance, other programs that use the serial port don't function properly, you see a dialog box that says the serial port is in use, or your PowerBook freezes during shutdown).

    3) When running Apple Remote Access Personal Service on any model PowerBook that contains an Express Modem:

    * You have the "Answer Calls" checkbox selected in the Remote Access Setup window and change from External to Internal Modem in the PowerBook control panel. An alert box appears which states, "This setting cannot be changed while the Internal Modem is in use." Click the Cancel button and then:

    - In the Remote Access Setup window, deselect the "Answer Calls" checkbox
    - In the PowerBook control panel, click the Internal Modem button
    - In the Remote Access Setup window, click the "Answer Calls' checkbox

    * You have the "Answer Calls" checkbox selected in the Remote Access Setup window. If you go to the Express Modem control panel and click the Off button and then click the On button, you will have disabled you ability to answer or make calls. You must restart your computer.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: Apple Remote Access (ARA)
Sub Category: ARA 2.x

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.