ARA MultiPort Server: Basic Security Information
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    This article provides basic information about the Apple Remote Access MultiPort server's security.


    You can establish and control server security through a number of features in the Remote Access Manager software.

    User Registration
    Guest User is a generic account for guest users of remote access service. Anyone on the network can be a guest; a guest is not assigned a password and generally has limited network access. In the interest of security, you should limit the amount of access that guests have on your network.

    A registered user is anyone for whom you have assigned a user name, password, and security options.

    Password and callback security
    You can increase the security of your network by requiring that each registered user enter a password to access the server. You should provide registered users with a unique password the first time they log in and require that they change the password at that time. Selecting the Require New Password on Next Login option in the User information window will ensure that all users must change their passwords after the first time they log in.

    Requiring a callback number for users further ensures security because users can only connect to the server using a telephone number that they have provided to you. When a user successfully logs in, he or she is immediately disconnected from the server. The server then attempts to make a connection at the callback number listed for that user. If the telephone number is valid, a connection is made.

    Zone access
    Zones are logical subdivisions of a network in which services such as file servers, printers, and other individual Macintosh computers reside. Zones appear in the Chooser window. You can use zones to organize services into logical groups. The Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server administrator can assign each user access to specified zones on the network.

    Security Zone
    The Security Zone feature prevents individuals from setting up an Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server or Apple Remote Access Personal Service without an authorizing password. Security Zone software is provided on the Apple Remote Access MultiPort Server Toolkit disk. For instructions on how to implement this feature, see the Read Me file provided with the software.

    External security
    You can provide an additional level of security by implementing third-party, external security. For example, additional security would be appropriate for those who need roving access (for PowerBook users). Two types of external security are available: line-level security and protocol-level security.

    Line-level security provides security at the telephone line level and usually consists of hardware that is connected to the server and security software module that is placed on the clients' workstation.

    Protocol-level security provides security at the software level and usually consists of security software modules that are placed on both the server and the clients' workstations. You can install more that one security module on both the server and clients' workstations, but you can activate only one security module at a time.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: Apple Remote Access (ARA)
Sub Category: ARA 2.x

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.