Newton MessagePad: Separating Imported Name File Data
Article ID:


    When I import data from my Sharp Wizard OZ/IQ 9600 to my Newton MessagePad, a single field in my Names application receives ALL of the imported data.

    How can I separate this data string without losing any of the data?


    There are three different methods to separate your data. One method uses the Newton Connection Kit, while the other two methods use the MessagePad's clipboard.

    If you own the Newton Connection Kit, follow these steps:

    1) Synchronize your data with your Macintosh or MS-DOS/Windows-compatible computer.

    2) Copy and paste individual pieces of the string to their appropriate fields using your computer.

    3) Save all files and re-synchronize after you've finished copying your data.

    If you do not own the Newton Connection Kit Software, you can use the MessagePad's clipboard to separate data. Here is the first method:

    1) Select the first piece of information from the combined data string.

    2) Drag the selected piece of data to the upper-right corner of the MessagePad screen.

    3) Expand the field that you wish to place your data into by tapping on it.

    4) Drag your data from the clipboard into the expanded field.

    5) Repeat the process for the remainder of the string.

    The other method is to:

    1) Select the entire data string and drag it to the upper-right corner of the MessagePad's screen.

    2) Open the Note Pad application and drag the data string into the Note Pad.

    3) Divide the data string into its appropriate items.

    4) Select each data item and drag them to the upper-right corner of the screen.

    5) Move each data item back into the appropriate field in the Names file.

Document Information
Product Area: Newton
Category: Apple MessagePad
Sub Category: General Topics

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