QuickTake 100 for Macintosh: Specifications (10/94)
Article ID:


    This article describes the specifications of the Apple QuickTake 100 Digital Camera for Macintosh.


    * 24-bit color

    * 1MB of FLASH╩EPROM stores up to 32 standard-resolution images, 8
    high-resolution images or a combination of high and standard-resolution
    * Storage time: up to one year

    * 320 by 240 pixels (standard resolution)
    * 640 by 480 pixels (high resolution)

    * Fixed-focus lens
    * Focus range: 4 feet to infinity
    * Field of view: equivalent to a 50-mm lens on a 35-mm camera
    * Optical viewfinder
    * Aperture from f2.8 to f16

    * Shutter speed:╩from 1/30 to 1/175 of a second
    * Cycle time: average 4 seconds
    * Self-timer: 10 seconds

    Built-in Flash
    * Three modes: Automatic, On, or Off
    * Range 4 to 9 feet
    * Flash cycle time: 7 seconds

    * Includes three rechargeable AA NiCad batteries
    * Supports three 1.5╩V AA, R6P, LR-6, or SUM-3 NiCad or lithium batteries
    * Battery recharger
    * Option AC adapter

    * Serial port for connection to Macintosh printer or modem port

    User Controls
    * Shutter release, resolution, flash, self-timer, and Erase All Images

    LCD╩Status Window
    * Number of images that have been taken
    * Number of images remaining
    * Resolution, flash, and self-timer settings
    * Erase All Images
    * Battery level

    Operating Environment
    * Operating - 0í to 40í C (32í to 104í F)
    * Storage (6 months) - -40í to 47í C (-40í to 117í F)
    * Transit (72 hours) - -40í to 65í C (-40í to 149í F)
    * Humidity - 20 to 95 percent, nonðcondensing
    * Altitude - No limitation other than specified temperature and humidity

    QuickTake 1.0 Application
    * Display thumbnails of images
    * Select, process, and view images
    * Rotate images by ▒ 90í
    * Crop, scale, and zoom in on images
    * Cut, copy, and pates images into other applications
    * Erase images in camera
    * Save pictures in PICT, TIFF, or QuickTake file formats
    * Transform images to 16 bit, 8 bit, and 1 bit
    * Uses ColorSync for automatic color matching to screen and printer
    (ColorSync included)
    * Compress images with QuickTime software (QuickTime included)
    * View images immediately with camera connected to Macintosh

    QuickTake Setup
    * Access from the control panel
    * Lets you mount camera as a volume onto your desktop

    System Requirements
    * A Macintosh with a 68020 or higher central processing unit (any Macintosh
    except a Macintosh Plus, SE, Classic, Portable, or Powerbook 100)
    * System software version 7.0.1 (with Tune-Up 1.1.1) or later
    * 4 MB of RAM with 8 MB of virtual memory or 8 MB of RAM
    * Apple SuperDrive
    * Hard drive with at least 10 MB available

    Article Change History:
    17 Oct 1994 - Added Operating Environment specifications.
    19 Apr 1994 - Added system requirements.

    Support Information Services

Document Information
Product Area: Peripherals
Category: QuickTake Digital Cameras
Sub Category: Apple QuickTake 100

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.