Apple Displays: Model Numbers
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    This article lists model numbers that appear on the information tag on the back of Apple displays.


    Many times the only information people have is the model number. This chart can be used to determine the monitor they have from the model number.

    Number on Monitor Monitor Name
    M0400 Apple High-Resolution Monochrome Monitor
    M0401 AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor (13-in Rev A)
    M0402 Apple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor (Rev A)
    M0404 Macintosh Portrait Display (Rev A)
    M1025 Apple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor (Rev B)
    M1030 Macintosh Portrait Display (Rev B)
    M1050 Macintosh 12-in Monochrome Display
    M1212 Macintosh Color Display
    M1296 Macintosh 12-in RGB Display
    M1297 AppleColor High-Resolution RGB Monitor (13-in Rev B)
    M1298 Macintosh 16-in Color Display
    M1787 or M2346 Apple Color Plus 14-in Display
    M1823 Apple Multiple Scan 20 Display (Rev A and Rev B) (Note 1)
    M2001 AudioVision 14 Display
    M2494 Apple Multiple Scan 17 Display
    M2935 AppleVision 1710 Display
    M2935 Colorsync 17-inch Display
    (formerly named the AppleVision 750 Display)
    M2942 AppleVision 1710 AV Display
    M2942 AppleVision 750 AV Display
    M2943 Apple Multiple Scan 15 Display
    M3502 Macintosh 21-in Color Display
    M3703 ColorSync 20-inch Display
    (formerly named the AppleVision 850 Display)
    M3705 AppleVision 850 AV Display
    M4222 Multiple Scan 14" Display
    M4436 Multiple Scan 1705 Display
    M4552 Multiple Scan 720 Display
    M4681 Multiple Scan 15 AV
    M6204 Apple Studio Display with ColorSync (21-inch, Blue and White)
    M6221 Apple Studio Display (17-inch, Blue and White)
    M6356/A Apple Studio Display (LCD 15-inch, original model)
    M6356/B Apple Studio Display (LCD 15-inch, Blue and White)
    M9103 Apple Basic Color Display


    1. The Apple Multiple Scan 20 Display Rev. A and Rev. B have the same overall apperance. To distinguish the two versions, check the last three digits of the serial number. The serial number for the Rev.B version ends in one of the following:
    - 5B4
    - 5J2
    - 5JE
    - 5JF

Document Information
Product Area: Monitors-Displays
Category: General Topics
Sub Category: General Topics

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