LaserWriter Pro 630: PC Cable Pinouts and Settings (8/94)
Article ID:


    I have a LaserWriter Pro 630 connected to a Macintosh using LocalTalk and to an IBM PC using the Serial Port. The LaserWriter Pro 630 is set to Postscript LocalTalk and Postscript Serial 9600,n,8,1,X-ON/X-OFF, Binary. This setup has worked but after being switched off, seems to somehow have lost it's settings. The LaserWriter Pro 630 won't produce a test print with the Serial cable connected. If the cable is disconnected the LaserWriter Pro 630 starts up and produce a test print. I can also print from the Macintosh without problems. However, once the cable is reconnected, the Macintosh computer loses connection to the LaserWriter Pro 630 and the green light constantly flashes.


    The problem is most likely in the serial cable that connects the PC to the DB-9 port of the LaserWriter Pro 630. If the pinouts are not correctly mapped, then the printer behaves as you described ðð flash the green ready light and not print the startup page. Here are the pinout requirements for the cable:

    IBM PC/AT LaserWriter
    DB-9 DB-9
    --------- -----------

    (RXD) 2 -------------- 3 (TXD)
    (TXD) 3 -------------- 2 (RXD)
    (DTR) 4 -------------- 6 (DSR)
    (SG) 5 -------------- 5 (SG)
    (DSR) 6 -------------- 4 (DTR)

    In terms of the communications settings, we would suggest thumbwheel switch
    setting #9 on the LaserWriter Pro 630. It's default parameter set is for
    PostScript serial 9600, n,8,1,XON/XOFF, binary.

    Support Information Services

Document Information
Product Area: Printers
Category: LaserWriters
Sub Category: LaserWriter Pro 630

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