Security Lock Ports On Apple Displays
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Security lock ports are used to physically lock Apple displays to a desk or other stationary object using some kind of cable locking system.
Apple generally uses four different types of security lock ports on their hardware products. They are as follows:
Port Type
Large rectangular port
This security port is a rectangular port that measures approximately 6mm x 35mm at the opening.
Small rectangular port
This is a slightly smaller rectangular port. It measures approximately 6mm x 22mm at the opening.
1/4-inch Mini-slot port
This is the most recent security lock port. This port is a small, 3mm x 7mm, opening without latches of any kind. It uses a different type of security device than the previous security lock ports.
Cable Slotted port
This is a plastic loop on the bottom of the unit that is intended to have a security cable fed through it.
Use the following chart to determine which type of security device you need for your Apple display.
Generally, security lock ports are located on the back panels of most Apple displays or, in the case of the cable slotted port, on the bottom panels.
Port Type
(when viewed from rear)
12-inch Monochrome
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
12-inch RGB
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
Performa Display
No Security
Performa Plus Display
No Security
Hi-Resolution Monochrome
Small rectangular port
between power and video
Hi-Resolution RGB
Small rectangular port
between power and video
Macintosh Color Display
Cable slotted port
security on base
Portrait Display
Small rectangular port
lower right corner
16-inch Color Display
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
Two-Page Monochrome
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
21-inch Color Display
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
Apple Basic Color Display
No Security
AudioVision 14-inch Display
Cable slotted port
security on base
Apple Color Plus
No Security
Multiple Scan 15-inch
Cable slotted port
right-side middle
Multiple Scan 17-inch
Small rectangular port
lower left corner
Multiple Scan 20-inch
Cable slotted port
security on base
Studio Display (17-inch)
1/4-inch Mini-slot port
lower right corner
Multiple Scan 720
Cable slotted port
lower right corner
Multiple Scan 15AV
Cable slotted port
lower right corner
ColorSync 17-inch Display
Cable slotted port
ColorSync 20-inch Display
Cable slotted port