Mac OS: Troubleshooting Error Code Messages
Article ID:


    This article is about Mac OS error code messages and what to do when one occurs.


    The meaning of various Mac OS error codes is available in Apple's developer documentation. These explanations are very technical and are often obscure descriptions of what happens when a system error occurs. For information on specific Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 error codes, or result codes as they are referred to in the developer documentation, see the Apple Developer Connection Web site at http://www.apple.com/developer/ .

    Error codes can be very useful to software programmers. A programmer can interpret an error code to determine in what part of a program an error occurs, and how to resolve it.

    When system errors occur for non-programmers, error codes have less meaning. Some troubleshooting may need to be done to resolve the issue.

    Troubleshooting Mac OS Error Code Messages

    In most cases you should simply restart the computer, and go on from there. In cases where the errors continue, some troubleshooting needs to be done to find the cause. Common causes are extension conflicts, application issues, or system software files that have become unusable.

    In some instances an error code may be linked to a specific issue. In those instances the error message is usually more descriptive, and there is typically an article about resolving that specific issue. Search the Knowledge Base for the specific error code received.

    Where there is not any specific issue-related error code information, refer to the following articles for the necessary software troubleshooting steps:

    Article 30929: " Mac OS: Extensions Troubleshooting/Extensions Manager Features ".
    Article 16473: " Mac OS: Troubleshooting Startup Issues ".
    Article 60005: " Apple Product Software Isolation Troubleshooting ".
    Article 43050: " Troubleshooting Handbook: Table of Contents ".
    Article 43033: " Troubleshooting Handbook: Reinstalling Your Computer's Software ".

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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