1) Question: Did my Macintosh Performa computer come with software that lets me connect to a local bulletin board system (BBS)?
Answer: All Performa computers come with a "Works" style package, such as ClarisWorks, Microsoft Works, Symantec Greatworks, or WordPerfect Works. These applications include a terminal emulator, usually under the heading of "communications". They let you use your Macintosh computer as a terminal. See your "Works" documentation for more information. There are also many software packages available commercially and as shareware on online services, such as CompuServe and America Online as well as Internet Web sites such as <
2) Question: I have a TelePort Bronze modem, and it does not appear to receive faxes. What should I do?
Answer: Your modem is capable of receiving faxes, but your computer must be equipped with software that can support this capability. Your computer currently comes with a "send only" capability. The "receive" fax capability is sold and supported directly by Global Village. Please contact their sales department at 800-736-4821 for sales and additional information on this product.
NOTE: All Macintosh Performa 6100 series computers, the Performa 637, and the Performa 560 come with a "receive" capability as part of the software bundle. The following computers are in the Macintosh Performa 6100 series: Performa 6110, Performa 6112, Performa 6115, Performa 6117, and Performa 6118.
3) Question: Can I upgrade my TelePort Bronze to a faster modem?
Answer: Global Village offers an upgrade program for Performa customers. For more details, call their sales number at 800-736-4821.
4) Question: Where can I obtain the Global Village 2.5 upgrade, and what does it do?
Answer: Global Village sells this upgrade directly to their customers for a nominal fee. You need to call their sales number at 800-736-4821 for pricing and specifications.
5) Question: I am having trouble connecting to my internet service provider with my PPP and SLIP utilities. How can I correct this?
Answer: If the modem works in other respects, such as connecting to online services, BBSs, or as a fax modem, then the difficulty is likely caused by the configuration of the Internet software. You should contact your internet service provider for support in configuring the software.
6) Question: I bought a new fax modem, and I get an error message stating the serial port is in use whenever I try to use America Online or try to fax. What should I do?
Answer: The modem port can only be in use by one application at a time, so you need to make sure that no other program (such as America Online) is currently running. If the problem persists, the old fax software may be conflicting with your new software. To correct this, you should remove the old fax software and restart.
* If you have a Global Village TelePort Bronze, the old software is stored here:
- System Folder: Apple Menu Items: Fax Center
- System Folder: Extensions: GlobalFax
- System Folder: Control Panels: TelePort/Bronze (called "Fax Modem" on some computers)
- System Folder: GlobalFax Files
- System Folder: GlobalFax Personal
* If you have a Global Village TelePort Gold II, the software is stored here:
- System Folder: Apple Menu Items: Fax Center
- System Folder: Control Panels: TelePort Serial
- System Folder: Extensions: Global Village Toolbox
- System Folder: Extensions: GlobalFax
- System Folder: GlobalFax Files
- System Folder: GlobalFax Personal
NOTE: "GlobalFax Files" contains any faxes you may have sent with the Global Village modem. You may wish to retain that folder, and Fax Center, so you can review any messages you may have sent if necessary.
If you move all of the above files to a single folder, they are "de-activated" by the system software after you restart. There is no need to throw them away, unless you want to reclaim the hard disk space. If you throw them away, make sure you have made a backup of the software or your System Folder. If this does not solve the problem, it could be a configuration issue with your third-party software, and you should contact the manufacturer for support.
7) Question: I would like to receive faxes, but do not want to leave the computer on. Can I do this?
Answer: No. The computer must be on and the fax software must be loaded in order to receive faxes.
8) Question: I want to use my Global Village modem with SoftWindows. Can I do this?
Answer: The modem itself works with SoftWindows or the DOS Compatibility Card. In fact, the hardware works on any type of computer you can physically connect the modem to. However, the Global Village software does not work under MS-DOS/Windows. If you want to use the modem on some other type of modem other than a Macintosh computer, you need to use different software.
This article was published in the "Information Alley":
Volume II, Issue 7, Page 17