This article contains a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about System 7. It is not necessarily applicable to System 7.5.
Questions in this FAQ:
* How do I create a net install for System 7.x?
* Where can I get a copy of MacTCP?
* How do PC Exchange and Macintosh Easy Open (MEO) work together?
* How can I get System 7.0.1 on 800K disks?
* Where can I download a copy of System 7.1?
* Where is Apple File Exchange located? I thought it came with my system.
* What steps should I follow to perform a reinstallation of System 7.1? What about System 6.0.x? Can you "clean install" System 6?
* Who needs to install the System 7 Tune-Up?
* There seems to be a corrupt font in my fonts folder. When I double-click the font suitcase, I get a -39 error. I can't seem to get rid of this font suitcase! What can I do?
* I recently upgraded to System 7, and am confused about fonts. What's the difference between TrueType and PostScript fonts?
* I occasionally encounter system errors on my Macintosh. There is usually a message that says an error of type 1 or 3 occurred. Where can I find an explanation of what these error numbers mean?
How do I create a net install for System 7.x?
Follow these steps:
Step 1:
Create a folder called Net Install on a shared volume.
Step 2:
Drag all disk images needed for the installation (all disks except the Disk Tools disk) to the Net Install folder. A folder will be created inside the Net Install folder that corresponds to each diskette.
Step 3:
Drag the Installer and the Install script from the Install Me First or Install 1 diskette to the top level of the Net Install folder.
Step 4:
The Net Install folder is now prepared for remote users to use for performing system software installations. Once they log into the remote volume, they double click the Installer icon and the installation process will run.
Typically, this setup will allow you to install other software packages using the Apple Installer over a network. For more information, review the article "Software Installation Over a Network", in the online Apple Technical Information Library. Use the search string "net install setup" to locate this article.
Where can I get a copy of MacTCP?
You can obtain MacTCP by purchasing the Macintosh TCP Connection Kit or by upgrading to System 7.5. Only the update applications for MacTCP are posted to online services.
Your local dealer can help you obtain these software packages. You can locate a local dealer by calling the Apple Referral Center at 1-800-538-9696.
How do PC Exchange and Macintosh Easy Open (MEO) work together?
When you set up DOS extension mapping in the PC Exchange control panel, they work regardless of where the file is located. A file can be on a DOS floppy disk, or on the Macintosh hard drive and they work the same.
If Macintosh Easy Open is installed, it works with PC Exchange and tries to map files to the proper applications based on the PC Exchange mappings. If the file is not mapped to an application, Macintosh Easy Open attempts to translate the file.
The above information states how it should be working. If it is not working this way then try the following procedures:
1) Use your extensions manager control panel to turn off all extensions and control panels except for PC Exchange and MEO. Restart and see if you have same problems. If not then you have an extension conflict.
2) While every control panel is off except for MEO and PC Exchange, restart the computer and hold down the Command and Option keys to rebuild the desktop.
3) Delete and custom reinstall the PC Exchange and MEO control panels.
NOTE: MEO is for use when you don't know what application you want to open a document. If you already know this, as in the Word example above, open the application first and then locate the document via File Menu Open (Command-O).
In the online Apple Technical Info Library, use the search string "Macintosh Easy Open and sys75" to locate the article "System 7.5: PC Exchange Works with Easy Open"
How can I get System 7.0.1 on 800K disks?
System software version 7.0.1 is not available on 800K disks.
Where can I download a copy of System 7.1?
System 7.1 is commercial software. System 7.1 can be purchased through the Apple Order Center.
Where is Apple File Exchange located? I thought it came with my system.
Apple File Exchange ships with System 7.0, 7.0.1, and 7.1. It is on the system disks, but not installed on the hard drive. To install Apple File Exchange, insert the Tidbits disk from your system software.
In System 7.0 and 7.0.1 Tidbits disk, you will see an Apple File Exchange folder. Copy this folder to your hard drive. In the System 7.1 Tidbits disk, you will see an Apple Utilities folder. This folder contains the Apple File Exchange folder. Open Apple Utilities, and copy the Apple File Exchange folder to your hard drive.
What steps should I follow to perform a reinstallation of System 7.1? What about System 6.0.x? Can you "clean install" System 6?
Instructions for reinstalling System 6.0.x and System 7.x are available in the online Technical Information Library.
Use the search string "clean install and instructions" to locate the articles "System 7.1: Clean Installation from 1.44Mb Disks" as well as "System 6.0.x Installation".
Who needs to install the System 7 Tune-Up?
System 7 Tune-Up 1.1.1 should be installed on any Macintosh using System 7.0 or 7.0.1. The tune-up's changes are incorporated into System 7.1 and later systems.
There seems to be a corrupt font in my Fonts folder. When I double-click the font suitcase, I get a -39 error. I can't seem to get rid of this font suitcase! What can I do?
Corrupt fonts can account for a number of system crashes. Here is how to remove a damaged font suitcase from your Fonts folder:
Step 1:
Move the Fonts folder to the desktop.
Step 2:
Create a new Fonts folder in the System Folder.
Step 3:
Drag the known good Fonts from the desktop Fonts folder to the newly created Fonts folder.
Step 4:
Restart your Macintosh.
Step 5:
Drag the Fonts folder on the desktop, with the corrupted font suitcase, to the Trash.
Step 6:
Drag a "good" copy of the corrupted font suitcase from a backup copy or from the original font disk to the closed System Folder.
For more information, review the article "System 7.1: Damaged Font Suitcase Message" in the online Technical Information Library. Use the search string "font and damaged" to locate this article.
I recently upgraded to System 7, and am confused about fonts. What's the difference between TrueType and PostScript fonts?
For an overview of fonts and your Macintosh, check out the article "Bitmap, PostScript, and TrueType Fonts Compared", available in the online Apple Technical Information Library." Use a search string of "truetype and postscript and compare".
I occasionally encounter system errors on my Macintosh. There is usually a message that says an error of type 1 or 3 occurred. Where can I find an explanation of what these error numbers mean?
System error codes are intended to be an aid to programmer's debugging software. They aren't always very helpful when trying to determine the cause of a system crash.
For an overview of the error types and their meaning, review the article "Macintosh System Error Codes Explained", available in the online Apple Technical Information Library. A search string of "system errors and explanation" will find this article.
The Tech Info Library article titled "Locating Vendor Information" can help you search for the Apple Order Center's phone number.
Article Change History:
27 May 1996 - Updated for technical accuracy.