Internal HD Format: Cannot See IDE Drives
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    I have a Performa 6200 series computer. When I startup from my CD-ROM disc and try to run Internal HD Format, I get a message stating that this software will not work on this hard disk and I should use Apple HD SC Setup. Apple HD SC Setup does not recognize the hard drive either which makes sense because the Performa 6200 has an IDE drive. What is wrong?


    A change was made to the way IDE hard drives are formatted during the manufacturing process. IDE drives now include partitioning information, which the Internal HD Format application does not recognize. When the Internal HD Format application checks the partitioning information, it does not recognize the format and, by default, reports that the hard disk is a SCSI drive, thus it displays the error message referring you to Apple HD SC Setup.

    This problem can occur on any IDE hard drive-equipped computer, including the Power Macintosh 5200 series, Power Macintosh 6200 series, Macintosh 630 family, and Macintosh 580 family of computers.

    The Drive Setup utility that originally shipped on System 7.5.2 computers is able to correctly reformat these IDE hard drives without any problem. Use Drive Setup 1.0.3 (or higher), which is available for download from Apple Software Update sites.

    Once you have downloaded Drive Setup, you can use it to reformat your hard disk by following these steps:

    WARNING: Reformatting or reinitializing your hard drive erases all information on your disk. Make sure you have a backup of all files you may have created and any preinstalled software that came with your computer.
      1. Copy the Drive Setup utility to a 3.5 inch Macintosh-formatted floppy disk.

      2. Insert your Macintosh Performa CD. Restart the computer, while holding down the C key on your keyboard. Once the computer has finished starting, confirm that the Performa CD is the topmost item in the upper right corner of your screen. This means its system software is running your computer.

      3. Insert the floppy disk containing Drive Setup 1.0.3 (or higher). Double-click the floppy disk icon to open it. Double-click on the Drive Setup utility in the floppy disk window.

      4. Select the name of your internal hard disk (its type is IDE, and its name is normally Hard Disk).

      5. Click on the Initialize button. A second dialog appears, asking for confirmation.

      6. Click on Initialize again to confirm that you do want to initialize the hard drive.

    The following article can help you locate the software update mentioned here:
    " Where To Find Apple Software Updates " - Lists online services for free Apple software updates.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Utility Software
Sub Category: Hard Disk Setup Software
Keywords: ksts

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