Mac OS: -39 or -192 Error Opening Launcher
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    This article descibes an issue that causes an error when you open the Launcher.



    An error message stating: "The control panel Launcher could not be opened because of error type -192." appears when the Launcher is opened. Error -39 may also appear. If the Launcher is reinstalled, it works fine for a few days, but the symptom returns.


    When a control panel is opened, the Finder adds a resource to the control panel that stores the window position. This is so that the control panel window opens in the same place the next time it is opened.

    The addition of this resource to the Launcher can cause the Launcher to function incorrectly. To correct this, follow these steps:

      1. Start up the computer from the Mac OS Install disc.
      2. Find the Launcher Items folder in the System Folder of the hard disk.
      3. Drag the Launcher Items folder out of the System Folder to the hard disk. Do not throw it away.
      4. Locate the Launcher Preferences in the Preferences folder, which is in the System folder on the hard disk.
      5. Drag the Launcher Preferences file to the Trash.
      6. Locate the Launcher in the Control Panels folder, which is in the System folder on the hard disk.
      7. Drag the Launcher to the Trash.
      8. Custom install the Launcher from Mac OS Install disc.
      9. Open the Control Panels folder in the System Folder on the hard drive and select Launcher.
      10. Choose Get Info from the File Menu.
      11. Choose General Information from the pop-up menu.
      12. Click Locked. Selecting the Locked option prevents the Finder from modifying the file.
      13. Start up the computer from the hard disk.
      14. Open the Launcher.
      15. Close the Launcher.
      16. Drag the Launcher Items folder from the hard disk back into the System Folder on the hard disk.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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