Apple Computer, Inc.: Trademark/Service Mark List
Article ID:


    Apple Computer, Inc.
    Trademark List - April 1998

    The following is a current list of Apple's trademarks and service marks, as well as trademarks licensed by Apple from third parties. Look for new additions and changes in bold type.

    When using the marks in publications that will be distributed only in the United States, include the appropriate TM, SM, or ® symbol on first use. For publications that will be distributed outside the United States, do not include trademark symbols.

    The list also includes one or more suggested generic terms for each trademark. For all publications, include an appropriate generic term after the trademark the first time it appears. Thereafter, the generic term should appear frequently with the trademark. (Note: These generic terms are only suggestions, and there may be other words that are equally appropriate.)

    Remember that trademarks are adjectives, and cannot be made plural or possessive.

    All publications must include a copyright statement and credit lines listing the Apple and licensed third-party trademarks mentioned in the publication.

    For more information on how to use Apple's trademarks, refer to the document titled "Guidelines for Third Parties Using Apples Trademarks" or contact the Trademark Department by phone at (408) 974-6638 or by e-mail at appletm@apple.com.

    The absence of a product or service name or logo from this list does not constitute a waiver of Apple's trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo.


    All great software wears this face TM slogan
    A-NET ® application program
    Apple ® computers, computer peripherals, etc.
    Apple ® (striped or solid logo)
    Apple IIGS ® computer
    AppleCAT ® application program
    AppleCD SC ® CD-ROM drive
    AppleDesign ® computer peripherals
    Apple Developer World ® magazine
    AppleFax TM modem
    AppleFund TM reimbursement program
    AppleLAN TM application program
    AppleLink ® communication network/computer software
    AppleMail ® application program
    AppleNet TM application program
    AppleOrder TM electronic order management system
    Apple Restore TM software utility
    AppleScript ® application program
    AppleSearch ® application program
    AppleShare ® network server
    AppleSoft ® operating system software
    Apple SuperDrive ® computer disk drive
    AppleTalk ® network system
    Apple TechStep TM diagnostic software
    AppleVision ® computer display
    AppleWriter TM application program
    Aristotle TM application program
    A/ROSE TM application program
    At Ease TM application program
    Author's Solution TM software bundle
    A/UX ® operating system
    Balloon Help TM application program
    Balloon Writer TM application program
    Bento ® computer font
    Bicycle logo ®
    BookCover ® panel, insert
    Bring Learning Home ® software and printed materials
    Charcoal TM computer font
    Chicago ® computer font
    Cocoa TM software
    Colearning ® software
    Colearning logo ® software
    ColorShare ® application program
    ColorSync ® application program
    ColorSync logo ®
    Convomania ® service
    CyberArcade TM CD-ROM bundle
    Cyberdog TM Internet software
    Develop TM developer publication
    DialAssist ® application program
    DigiSign ® digital signature technology
    Digital Explorer TM CD-ROM bundle
    Disk First Aid TM application program
    DocViewer TM application program
    DoubleVision TM application program
    Early Language Connections TM hardware/software curriculum package
    E-Box TM application program
    Educator Advantage TM marketing program
    eMate TM mobile computer
    Encyclomedia ® CD-ROM bundle
    En Passant ® application program
    Espy ® computer font
    EtherTalk ® interface card/network
    eWorld TM online information service
    Extensions Manager TM system software
    Fax Extension TM application program
    FileWare ® application program
    FinanceTech ® growth funding service
    Finder TM operating system software
    FireWire ® serial bus
    FireWire logo TM
    Geneva ® computer font
    GeoPort ® telecom adapter & architecture
    GeoPort logo ®
    GrayShare ® application program
    GrayShare logo ®
    Great Meetings TM application program
    GS/OS ® operating system software
    HotSauce TM application program
    HyperCard ® application program
    HyperKiosk TM conference information database
    HyperTalk ® application program
    ImageWriter ® printer
    Imagine: The Apple Education TV Series TM education television series
    Information Alley ® technical publication
    Inter¥Poll ® application program
    Kobe TM application program
    LaserShare TM print spooling software
    LaserWriter ® printer
    LaserWriter Select ®(composite trademark; do not use "Select" alone) printer
    Light bulb logo ®
    Likewise ® application program
    LinkSaver TM application program
    Localizer TM application program
    LocalTalk ® computer cable system/network
    Mac ® computer
    MacApp ® application program
    MacAPPC TM application program
    MacCheck ® application program
    MacDNS ® application program
    MacDSS ® application program
    MacinTalk TM application program
    Macintosh ® computer
    Macintosh Centris ® (do not use "Centris" alone) computer
    Macintosh Duo ® (do not use "Duo" alone) computer
    Macintosh logo TM (aka: Picasso design)
    Macintosh Quadra ® (do not use "Quadra" alone) computer
    MacISDN TM application program
    MacMenu ® mail order catalog
    MacODA TM application program
    Mac ® OS operating system software
    MacOSI ® application program
    Mac OS logo ®
    MacPAD ® application program
    MacroMaker TM application program
    MacShare TM application program
    MacSNMP TM software utility
    MacTCP ® application program
    MacTerminal ® application program
    MacTest TM application program
    MacWorkStation TM application program
    MacX ® (Refer to MacX under Special & Licensed TMs for Copyright Notice)
    MacX.400 TM application program
    MCP Test TM diagnostic software
    MessagePad ® hand held computer
    MM logo ® (New Media New Markets logo)
    Monaco ® computer font
    "Moof" and Dogcow logo ®
    Mouse Basics TM application program
    MousePaint TM application program
    Mouse Practice TM application program
    MovieShop ® application program
    MovieTalk ® application program
    MPW ® application program
    NetTrax TM application program
    Newton ® operating system software
    NewtonMail ® application program
    New York ® computer font
    NodeCheck TM diagnostic program
    Noiro ® computer font
    Noiroia TM application program
    OneScanner TM computer scanner
    OpenDoc ® computer program
    Performa ® computer
    Pippin ® interactive media player and system software
    Pippin logo ®
    PlainTalk ® application program
    Power Beyond Speed TM slogan
    PowerBook ® computer
    PowerBook/DOS Companion TM hardware/software package
    PowerBook Duo ® (do not use "Duo"alone) computer
    PowerLatch TM docking technology
    Power Mac TM computer
    Power Macintosh ® computer
    PowerShare ® application program
    PowerTalk ® application program
    PrintRecordSpy TM developer tool
    PrizeFest TM marketing theme
    ProDOS ® operating system software
    QStack TM application program
    QuickClips TM multimedia content/CD-ROM
    QuickDraw ® application program
    QuickFile ® application program
    QuickRing ® data transfer system
    QuickStart TM VAR program
    QuickTake ® digital camera
    QuickTime ® application program
    QuickTime logo TM
    ResEdit TM application program
    SADE ® application program
    SalesWriter TM application program
    SANE ® application program
    ScanTest ® application program
    Setting the Pace logo TM
    Skia TM computer font
    SmartMate TM application program
    SNA¥ps TM application program
    Software Dispatch ® software on CD business
    Software Dispatch logo ®
    Sound Manager TM application program
    SourceBug TM application program
    SpeedStart TM application program
    STAKCopy TM application program
    STAKNode TM application program
    StarCore ® publishing division
    StartingLine TM marketing program and catalogs
    StyleWriter ® printer
    Switcher TM application program
    synthLAB TM application program
    The Apple Collection TM catalogue
    The Education Dealer logoTM
    The Macintosh Right Now Rebate TM promotion
    The Meeting of the Minds TM slogan
    The Power of Ten TM slogan
    The power to be your best. ® slogan
    The Universal Client TM application program/marketing theme
    Think different. TM slogan
    TokenTalk ® application program
    ToolServer TM application program
    TrueType ® font technology
    VideoSync ® software utility
    ViewEdit TM application program
    VirusRX TM application program
    WorldScript ® application program

    ACOT SM (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow) experimental classrooms
    Apple ® various services
    Apple Answers SM newsletter
    Apple Assurance ® service program
    AppleCare ® extended warranty service program
    Apple Desktop Media SM marketing campaign
    Apple Developer Services SM (logo)
    Apple Open House SM mall events
    Apple Puts It All Together SM marketing campaign
    AppleServices SM parts and services program
    Apple Training Alliance SM third-party training program
    AppleWorld SM trade show
    ARC SM (Apple Repair Coupon) service campaign
    Company Store logo ®
    Convomania SM educational services
    Coup de Tech ® conferences
    Developer Tools Express SM developer program
    Education Link SM educational program
    olden Apple Club SM sales program
    MacAdemia SM conference
    NewtonSource ® retail store
    olution Express SM publication
    Starman logo SM
    Starman with monitor logo ®
    Starman with wrench logo ®


    Use the trademark notation shown here the first time the trademark is mentioned in text in U.S. publications. Include the credit line in all publications (U.S. and international) in which the trademark is mentioned.

    In addition to the marks listed below, all Claris marks require trademark symbols (in U.S. publications) and credit lines. For FileMaker, Inc. trademarks, look on the web at:
    " http://www.claris.com/legal/trademarks-claris.html ".

    For NeXT trademarks, look on the web at: " http://www.apple.com/legal/nexttmlist.html ".

    ACT!: ACT! is used under license from Symantec Corporation.

    ADDmotion TM: ADDmotion is a trademark of Motion Works International, Inc.

    Ad LibTM: Ad Lib is a trademark of Nick Nallick, used under license.

    Adobe TM, the Adobe logo TM, Acrobat TM, the Acrobat logo TM, Distiller TM, PostScript TM, and the PostScript logo TM are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated (Adobe prefers that this form of the credit line be used for all its trademarks.)

    AIX TM: AIX is a trademark of IBM Corp., registered in the U.S. and other countries, and is being used under license.

    Berlitz ® and the Berlitz Logo are registered trademarks of Berlitz International, Inc.

    CDB is a trademark of Third Eye Software, Inc.

    The CD Extra TM logo is a trademark of Sony Corporation.

    DEC TM , DECnet TM, VMS TM , and VAXTM are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.

    Earth Explorer TM, the Earth Explorer logo TM, Enteractive TM , and the Enteractive logoTM are trademarks of Enteractive, Inc. All packaging and labels must also include the following copyright notice: Software © 1995 Enteractive, Inc. All rights reserved. FaceSpanTM and FrontMostTM are trademarks of Software Designs Unlimited, Inc.

    Helvetica®, Times®, and Palatino® are registered trademarks of Linotype-Hell AG and/or its subsidiaries.

    ITC Avant Garde Gothic® , ITC Bookman®, ITC Garamond®, ITC Zapf Chancery®, and ITC Zapf Dingbats® are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation.

    Java TM and Java logos TM: Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. (Place the TM notation after the first mention of Java in text.)

    LaserTools TM is a trademark of LaserTools Corporation.

    MacDNS (include the following copyright notice on end-user documentation only): ThreadLib 1.04 © 1994 by Ari Halberstadt.

    MacX (In addition to Apples copyright notice, include the following notice on the product, packaging, and manual for the MacX software.) ©1994-1997 NetManage, Inc., and its licensors. All rights reserved.

    MobileComm ® is a registered trademark of Mobile Communications Corporation of America.

    Netscape Navigator TM; is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.

    Notion TM is a trademark of Eidetic, Inc. (All packaging and product labels must also include the following copyright notice: © 1994, Eidetic, Inc. All rights reserved.)

    NuBus TM: NuBus is a trademark of Texas Instruments.

    Pantone®: Use one of the following as appropriate: "Pantone ® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.", "Pantone®, and PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® are registered trademarks of Pantone, Inc.", " The PANTONE CALIBRATED Design TM is a trademark of Pantone, Inc.", or "PANTONE®, PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® and the PANTONE CALIBRATED Design TM are trademarks of Pantone, Inc." (The trademarks must always appear in all caps. Place the trademark notation symbol [TM or ®] after the first mention of the marks in text and in the credit notice.)

    Peter's Alphabet Adventure®, Peter's Magic Adventure®, and Peter's Numbers Adventure® are registered trademarks of Arborescence SA.

    The Photo CD logo TM is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.

    PowerCD TM is a trademark of ZCI, Inc., Dallas, Texas.

    PowerForms TM is a trademark of Sestra, Inc., a division of HealthCare Communications.

    PowerPC TM and the PowerPC logo TM are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, used under license therefrom.

    RealAudio TM and the RealAudio logo TM are trademarks of Progressive Networks, Inc.

    Ryumin Light KL TM and Gothic Medium BBB TM are trademarks of Morisawa & Co. Ltd.

    Smalltalk-80 TM is a trademark of ParcPlace Systems.

    SoftWindows TM: Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation and SoftWindows is a trademark used under license by Insignia from Microsoft Corporation. (Place a TM symbol after the first and most prominent use of the mark SoftWindows in text.)

    Sound Blaster ®: Sound Blaster is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

    Sound Blaster logoTM : The Sound Blaster logo is a trademark of Creative Technology Ltd.

    Sprocket TM: (The following notice must appear on the Apple Game Sprocket web site.) Sprocket is a trademark of MacTech Magazine, used by permission. The Apple Game Sprocket software has no association with MacTech Magazine.

    SRS® : Use one of the following as appropriate: "The SRS Symbol - (¥) - is a registered trademark of SRS Labs, Inc." or "The word SRS is a registered trademark of SRS Labs, Inc.", or "SRS and the SRS Symbol - (¥) - are registered trademarks of SRS Labs, Inc."

    TextBridge® and Xerox® are registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. (Place the trademark notation symbol [TM or ®] after the first mention of the marks in text and in the credit notice.)

    Traveling Software TM is a trademark of Traveling Software, Inc.

    Trinitron ® is a trademark of Sony Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries.

    UNIX ® is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd.

    VideoWorks TM is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc.

    WiggleWorks TM is a trademark of Scholastic, Inc.

    XJACK TM is a trademark of Megahertz Corporation, U.S. Patent No. 5,183,404.

    X Window System TM is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


    If a product or service name is not listed under Apple's Trademarks or Apple's Service Marks, it should not be followed by a TM or ® notation and should not be included in credit lines. However, if a name includes Apple, Macintosh, or another Apple mark listed in this document, do apply the correct trademark symbol (TM or ® ) to that portion of the name (for U.S. publications only) and note that portion in credit lines. In addition, capitalize the first letter of each word of the product name.


    Apple® Multiple Scan 20 Display--credit line: Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

    Color StyleWriter® --credit line: StyleWriter is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

    Macintosh® PowerBook® Active-Matrix Display Upgrade--credit line: Macintosh and PowerBook are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S.A. and other countries.


    If you have any questions regarding the list, please contact The Trademark Hotline in the Trademark Department (408-974-6638). Or send us an e-mail at appletm@apple.com. We would appreciate a call if you are aware of any changes, deletions, or additions needed to update the list.

    This list includes updates as of March 1998.

    Copyright 1997 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
    Legal information and notices are available.
    Maintained online by appletm@apple.com
    Updated Thursday, March 13, 1998 by HMN

Document Information
Product Area: Apple General Information
Category: Product Information
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.