Share DOS Volume Between Power Macintosh DOS Computers
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    This article describes sharing a Macintosh folder on a Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer to be seen as a shared DOS Drive on another Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer.


    Yes, you can do what you describe by following the steps below to mount a shared DOS volume.

      1. Create a folder on the desktop of the source Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible computer, and map the folder to a drive letter using the Sharing option in the PC Setup control panel.

      2. Use Macintosh personal file sharing to share the folder, created in Step 1, on the network. Also be sure your Users & Groups control panel has either the shared user, or everyone setup so the destination Macintosh can access the folder.

      3. Mount the shared folder on the destination Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible.

      4. Map this shared folder, from Step 3, to a drive letter with the Sharing option of PC Setup control panel.

      5. The same folder is now seen as a mounted drive in the respective DOS environments.

    Note: The computers used to test this setup both had SIMMS installed on the DOS Compatibility Card. This lets the PC environment operate without sharing memory with the Macintosh environment.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: DOS Compatible
Sub Category: Power Macintosh 6100 DOS Compatible

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