Apple Remote Access: Dialing String Length
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    I'm using the Apple Remote Access (ARA) Client 2.0.1, and I want to enter a 39 character string in the Long DistancAccess setup of the Dial Assist control panel (10 digit phone number, 2 commas, 14 digit credit card number, 4 commas, and 9 digit phone number). When I have tried to connect, ARA seems to only dial the first 31 characters. Is there a limit of characters ARA can dial?


    This is not a limitation of ARA. Different modems may have different maximum command line lengths that they will accept. This maximum is defined in the mlts resource of the modem script. If an mlts resources is not defined then ARA assumes a default length of 30 characters. ARA also provides the ability to break one long string up into substrings, but the specific modem script must be written to take advantage of this feature. If the modem script you are using does not dial all the characters you are entering contact the modem manufacturer for an updated script.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Communications-Networking
Category: Apple Remote Access (ARA)
Sub Category: General Topics

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