Performa 5200,5300,6200,6300: Static Sound (2/96)
Article ID:


    I just restored the system software on my Macintosh Performa computer. Now, I hear static whenever my computer plays any sounds, except for audio CD-ROM discs.


    Power Macintosh or Macintosh Performa 5200, 5300, 6200, and 6300 series computers with 16-bit audio capabilities may experience static when playing sounds from the hard drive or CD-ROM discs. However, audio CD-ROM discs sound fine.

    To resolve this, you need to install the Audio Volume Extension. Although these computers originally included the Audio Volume extension, the system software CD may not include it. You can download a copy of the Audio Volume Installer disk image from the Apple Software Update locations. Follow the steps below to determine if you need this extension:

    Step 1
    Verify that your computer has 16-bit sound.

    1. Open the Sound control panel

    2. Select Sound Out from the Alert Sounds pop-up menu.

    3. Check to see if the 16-bit radio button is selected. If so, your computer has 16-bit sound. If 8-bit sound is selected, you do not need the Audio Volume extension.

    Step 2
    Determine when the static occurs.

    1. Verify that the static occurs only from programs on the hard disk or CD-ROM disc, not audio CD-ROM discs.

    2. Open the Sound control panel. Listen to several of the standard system alert sounds at both even- and odd-numbered alert volume levels.

    If you hear any distortion or static during the playback of these sounds at even numbered alert levels ONLY, then you should install the Audio Volume Extension. If you hear distortion or static at all levels, it is recommended to have the computer serviced.

    These articles can help you locate the software mentioned here:

    * "Where To Find Apple Software Updates" -- Lists online services for free Apple software updates.

    * "Obtaining Apple Product Support in the USA" -- Lists 800 numbers and online services for software updates, Apple support information, and a subset of the Apple Tech Info Library.

    Article Change History:
    16 Feb 1996 - Clarified step 2.
    01 Dec 1995 - Updated technical information.

    Support Information Services

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Power Macintosh
Sub Category: Macintosh Performa 5200

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