NetWare Client for Mac OS 5.1: Read Me File
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    This article provides information about a non-Apple product. Apple Computer, Inc. is not responsible for its content. Please contact the vendor for additional information. This article is the NetWare Client for Mac OS 5.1 Read Me file.


    Read Me File
    NetWare Client for Mac OS 5.1
    (C) Copyright 1995 Novell, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Welcome to the new release of NetWare Client for Mac OS 5.1. This Read Me file contains information about known anomalies and, when available, workarounds for these issues. This Read Me file contains two sections. The first section covers NetWare Client for Mac OS workstation software, and the second section covers NetWare Client for Mac OS server software (NLMs).


    MacIPX 1.3

    ISSUE #1: MacIPX may display an error message containing the error code -94 when trying to use the Ethernet 802.3 frame type with certain Ethernet adapters.

    SOLUTION: Install AppleTalk version 58 or later on your workstation. To obtain AppleTalk version 58 or later, contact the manufacturer of your Ethernet adapter. You can also obtain AppleTalk from Apple's Network Software Installer, version 1.3 or later.

    ISSUE #2: Some third-party applications use their own IPX protocol stacks, and do not use MacIPX. MacIPX may not function properly in their environments, depending on how MacIPX is configured.

    SOLUTION: Contact the application vendor and request a version of the application that works with MacIPX. If none is available, you can configure MacIPX to use a network interface setup that is different than the network interface setup used by the other IPX protocol stack. For example, if the application's IPX protocol stack is using the Ethernet 802.3 frame type, you can configure MacIPX to use a different frame type such as 802.2. If this solution is impractical in your situation, you can configure MacIPX to use the LocalTalk network interface rather than the interface in use by the other IPX stack (such as Ethernet). However, this solution requires you to install and configure a MacIPX gateway somewhere on your network. Instructions for MacIPX gateway installation and configuration are located in the NetWare operating system documentation.

    ISSUE #3: Applications using MacIPX cannot locate any services when MacIPX is configured to use the AppleTalk interface.

    SOLUTION: Ensure that MacIPX is using a valid MacIPX Gateway and that the Gateway is running on a NetWare server that will reply to Get Nearest Server requests.

    ISSUE #4: MacIPX may not work with some versions of Apple's Power Macintosh 9500.

    SOLUTION: The Operating System and Open Transport software components found on the early releases of the Power Macintosh 9500 are incompatible with MacIPX. In the U.S., you can obtain later revisions of this software by ordering an "update" CD for the Power Macintosh 9500 through 1-800-SOS-APPLE. For customers outside of the U.S., please contact your local Apple sales office.

    ISSUE #5: Applications using MacIPX may experience a loss of connectivity when running on Power Macintosh 7200, 7500, 8500, and 9500s.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time. Connectivity can be restored on a temporary basis by restarting the Macintosh. As of this writing, Novell believes the issue may be related to the level of traffic on the network. Novell and Apple are working together to determine if the issue is in Open Transport or in MacIPX.

    NetWare Client 2.0

    ISSUE #1: Read/Write performance may be slower than other NetWare Client platforms especially over wide area links. The NetWare Client for Mac OS does not currently support burst mode.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time.

    ISSUE #2: The Macintosh client does not provide an Abort, Retry, Cancel mechanism. If servers or network links are too slow, connections may be dropped by the client.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time.

    ISSUE #3: On 7200/90 systems using Ethernet, mounting volumes may be slower than normal because of issues with large packets. The issue is that larger packets cannot be reliably sent. Performance will be increased if the Maximum Packet Size is adjusted in the Advanced Options dialog box of the NetWare Client Control Panel. Novell and Apple are working together to address the issue and a solution is expected in the near future.

    SOLUTION: Our experience suggests that a setting of 1100 bytes will speed mounting.

    NetWare Directory Browser 1.0

    ISSUE #1: Several beta sites reported a crash while using Apple Guide with the NetWare Directory Browser. Apple Guide would crash when attempting to display a coach mark around something other than a menu title.

    SOLUTION: The cause of this issue has been isolated to Apple Guide version 1.2.5 on PowerPC-based systems. If the Apple Guide version 1.2.5 extension is replaced with an older (1.2) or newer (1.2.7) version, the issue does not occur. Our assumption is that Apple Guide 1.2.5 must have some bad Mixed Mode Manager calls. Older versions weren't native (no Mixed Mode Manager calls at all), and newer versions must have caught and fixed the bug.

    NetWare File Access 1.0 (NFA)

    ISSUE #1: File creation times are not preserved when the files are copied to NFA volumes and when operated on by certain applications. This causes issues for applications such as installers that require that file creation times be preserved.

    SOLUTION: NFA can set a file or directory's creation time only if the user is supervisor equivalent. This is due to an issue in the NetWare server. To work around the issue, either log on as the server administrator or use AppleShare to mount volumes for which you require that creation dates be preserved (for example, if you are moving an installer and its files to a NetWare server). An update release will contain patches for the issue on existing servers and a new NFA that will take advantage of the fixes.

    NetWare Object Assistant 1.0

    No known issues.

    NetWare Print Access 1.0 (NPA)

    ISSUE #1: Some PostScript downloading or LaserWriter utilities may not recognize or use NetWare Print Queues selected using the NetWare Print Chooser. Normally they should respond with a "Printer not found" message.

    SOLUTION: Use a utility that communicates with the printer currently selected in the Chooser, such as Adobe SendPS. Such utilities generally work with NetWare Print Access on the printer or queue most recently selected in the NetWare Print Chooser.

    ISSUE #2: Error code -8993 occurs when printing in the background with NPA using the LaserWriter/PSPrinter 8.x driver.

    SOLUTION: This issue is rare, and thought to be a result of the driver timing out due to not getting enough processor time. If you experience this issue, switch to foreground printing, or try to avoid intensive activity on your workstation when background printing is in progress.

    ISSUE #3: When using the NetWare Print Chooser to select LaserWriter/PSPrinter 8.1.2 or higher, the following alert may appear when Setup is started: "Autosetup failed, reverting to manual setup."

    SOLUTION: This alert indicates that the driver is looking for information about the target printer's installable options. NPA does not have this information. Click OK and manually indicate the printer's installed options, to the best of your knowledge.

    ISSUE #4: When using the LaserWriter driver versions 8.0, 8.2, or 8.2.2 to print, the Macintosh workstation sometimes hangs.

    SOLUTION: Some versions of Apple's LaserWriter 8 driver have a bug which causes a hang when it tries to download a variation of the Helvetica font. To verify that this is the issue, turn background printing off in NetWare Print Chooser and print. Watch to see if the Macintosh hangs while displaying the message "Creating Screen Font: Helvetica" or "Downloading Helvetica-Oblique."

    To work around this issue:

    1) choose another print driver. LaserWriter versions 7.x, 8.1.1, and 8.3 do not suffer from this issue.


    2) after selecting the driver in the NetWare Print Chooser, use the "Setup" button to select a PPD file for the printer. This allows NPA to tell the driver that Helvetica is already present on the printer so that it isn't downloaded.


    3) after selecting the object in the NetWare Print Chooser, check the "Assume Standard Fonts" box under the "NetWare Options..." button. This allows NPA to tell the driver that Helvetica is already present on the printer so that it isn't downloaded.

    ISSUE #5: When printing in the background, the following message may appear:

    There is not enough memory to print "<document>" from "<application>" on printer "<printer>." Do you want PrintMonitor to adjust its memory size and try again?

    SOLUTION: Some versions of Apple's PrintMonitor allocate by default too little memory to accommodate NetWare Print Access. To correct this issue, you can click the "Adjust Memory Size" button in the above alert; you may be required to select this option two or more times successively before you can successfully print.

    Alternatively, you can select the "Cancel Printing" option and manually adjust PrintMonitor's memory size. Click on the PrintMonitor application in the System:Extensions folder and select "Get Info" from the file menu. In the "Memory Requirements" area, set "Preferred size:" to at least 120K. Then try printing again.

    ISSUE #6: Two short (less than 60 character) print job notification messages appear in rapid succession referring to one job.

    This may happen when print notification is turned on and printing to a queue (or referenced printer object) without being logged into the server where the queue physically resides.


    1) Turn off notification
    2) Log into the matching server

    ISSUE #7: Jobs from QuarkExpress, Adobe Photoshop, or other applications which have the option of sending the data in binary format will not print successfully with a PostScript error or images may print with artifacts or noise.

    1) Many Macintosh applications that output graphics have the option in the application's Page Setup or Print dialog window to send the data in either Binary or ASCII format. Choose ASCII format.
    2) If your printer supports it, have the network administrator set up the Printer object to support binary communications over a non-binary communications channel. Netware Print Access will then encode the binary data properly.

    NetWare Print Chooser 1.0

    ISSUE #1: If you run NetWare Print Chooser concurrently with Apple's Chooser, the two applications may compete for ownership of the print drivers and thereby lead to serious issues, including crashes.

    SOLUTION: Run only one chooser at a time.

    ISSUE #2: In the case where a NetWare Directory Services print queue object has multiple AppleTalk network address attributes with different NBP types--for example, the spooler is advertised by more than one ATPS spooler--NetWare Print Chooser may not enable all of the appropriate AppleTalk print drivers in the driver list.

    SOLUTION: Such Directory Services objects may be rare at your site, in which case you would seldom encounter this issue. If the situation does arise, you will simply be limited in your choice of print drivers.

    ISSUE #3: When you first add a print driver extension to your Extension folder, the icon for that driver may not show correctly in NetWare Print Chooser.

    SOLUTION: NetWare Print Chooser gets its icons from the desktop database. Eventually the desktop will get updated and the correct icons will display. If you wish to accelerate this process, try opening the Extensions folder on your desktop, forcing Finder to acknowledge that icon. The next time you run NetWare Print Chooser, it will show the correct icon.

    ISSUE #4: If you log out of the tree while NetWare Print Chooser is still running and then proceed to switch drivers and/or setup driver options, you may experience issues or even crash.

    SOLUTION: The best thing to do is to quit the application before logging out of the tree.

    ISSUE #5: With GX installed, NetWare Print Chooser does not allow you to select a print driver.

    SOLUTION: This version of NetWare Print Chooser does not support GX. You must remove GX from your system if you wish to use NetWare print services.

    NetWare UAM 5.00

    No known issues.

    NetWare Volume Mounter 1.0

    ISSUE #1: Workstations using System 7.1 may find that the NetWare Volume Mounter does not stagger the windows, but stacks new windows directly on top of old ones.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time. To work around this issue move the windows off of each other manually.

    Remote Console 1.0

    No known issues.

    NetWare Aliases 1.1

    ISSUE #1: Aliases made to a file or folder on a network volume mounted with NetWare Volume Mounter will not resolve correctly in System 7.1.1 if the volume is already mounted via AppleShare. Aliases to a volume will resolve correctly in all cases.

    SOLUTION: Upgrade to System 7.5.



    ISSUE #1: There are several ways to change the volume name displayed on the workstation when mounting a server volume. One way is through the set commands in MACFILE.NLM. (Type "MACFILE HELP" in the NetWare server's system console when MACFILE.NLM is loaded for more information.) Another way is through AFPCON.NLM when using NetWare for Macintosh. Volume name changes will not take affect dynamically. The indiscriminate changing of Macintosh volume names with these utilities and with AFPCON can result in unexpected volume names. (Last saved wins).

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time. To work around this issue, remount the volume on the workstation to see the new volume name.

    ISSUE #2: NWCMACC.NLM can incorrectly identify message and client files that do not belong to the product. This is due to the simplistic key off of the LANGUAGE.4 file name. For example NWCMACC will locate the NetWare for Macintosh installation directory as a source.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time.


    ISSUE #1: When MACFILE.NLM is loaded for the first time, or a volume is mounted for the first time after MACFILE.NLM has been loaded, or the desktop database for a volume is being rebuilt, the server may abend with the message, "Subdirectory was deleted during FindDirectoryEntry."

    SOLUTION: Try turning file compression off when MACFILE.NLM is loading for the first time, when a volume is mounting for the first time after MACFILE.NLM has been loaded, or when MACFILE.NLM is performing a periodic rebuild. Periodic rebuilds occur every 24 hours by default if AFP.NLM is also loaded.

    ISSUE #2: If a volume is dismounted while MACFILE.NLM is rebuilding a desktop database, error messages indicating that MACFILE.NLM cannot find files on the volume will be displayed.

    SOLUTION: Wait to dismount a volume until rebuilding is complete.

    ISSUE #3: Only a few items at a time are removed at MACFILE.NLM load time from a trash can abandoned by a crashed Macintosh.

    SOLUTION: Unload and reload MACFILE.NLM again with the empty option. For example: LOAD MACFILE EMPTY

    CDROM Support

    ISSUE #1: When using NFA to mount NetWare volumes, you can not choose to mount an HFS formatted CD that is mounted on the server via the HFSCD.NLM.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time. To work around this issue, you can find the migrated directory/file structure of the CD by mounting the NetWare volume the CD was migrated to (usually SYS). The folder will have the name of the CD that was mounted through HFSCD.NLM. Some issues with using this workaround include not being able to launch certain applications on CDs that require a hard coded directory path, where the CD name is at the top of this path.

    ISSUE #2: CDROM.NLM will only work with ISO 9660 CDs.

    SOLUTION: There is no solution at this time. CDs mounted with the CDROM.NLM will work normally when mounted through NFA, but you can not use CDROM.NLM to mount HFS formatted CDs.

Document Information
Product Area: Communications-Networking
Category: Novell
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.