Apple System Profiler 1.0: What Information Does it Show?
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    This article describes the Apple System Profiler 1.0 which is an application included with System 7.5.3 and the System 7.5 Update 2.0.


    Apple System Profiler is a new tool that will allow you to gather information about the configuration of your Macintosh system. In addition, the information it reports may be needed if you place a call to the Apple Assistance Center (AAC).

    If you have one of the computers listed below, you should install the Apple System Profiler on your computer now. Double-click on the Apple System Profiler Installer located in your Apple Extras folder. The Apple System Profiler will be installed in the Apple Menu on your computer.

    The Apple System Profiler 1.0 is compatible with the following computers running System 7.5.3:

    Power Macintosh 9500, 8500, 7500, 7200, 8100, 7100 and 6100 series.
    PowerBook 5300, 2300 and 190 series.
    Performa 5200, 5300, 6200 and 6300 series.

    The utility gathers, summarizes, and delivers key pieces of system configuration information such as processor clock speed, disk cache size, and Apple and non-Apple installed extensions. After you install the application and run it, a profiler "code" is generated. If you call the AAC, the support technician can use this code to determine the configuration of your machine. This information will help reduce the amount of time needed to gather configuration information on your computer.

    There are six information sets available under the Select menu. The information gathered by each set is:

    System Overview:
    Customer Care Code: (code for AAC agent to determine configuration)
    Machine: (type of computer including processor speed)
    Machine ID: (unique ID indicating computer type)
    Finder: (version)
    System: (version)
    Processor: (type)
    Active Enabler: (enabler name, version)
    Memory Installed: (RAM Installed)
    Virtual Memory: (on or off)
    Total Memory: (including virtual)
    Disk Cache: (on or off, amount)
    AppleTalk: (version, on or off (Open Transport or AppleTalk Phase))
    File Sharing: (on or off)
    Startup Device: (SCSI bus number of startup device, SCSI ID number of startup device, device name)
    Chosen Printer: (chooser selection's driver version and zone location)

    Volume Information:
    Number of Volumes Found
    List of Volume Names, clicking on each volume name gives this information:
    Name: (volume name)
    Kind: (hard disk, CD-ROM)
    Size: (total size)
    Space Available: (free space left)
    Bus: (SCSI Bus number)
    ID: (SCSI ID number)
    Mounted: (yes or no)
    Write Protected: (yes or no)
    Where: (Driver and version number)

    Device Information:
    Total SCSI Buses Found: (number of buses)
    Number of SCSI Devices Found on each bus
    List of SCSI ID Numbers: (type of device assigned to each number) clicking on each device name gives this information:
    Device Type: (hard drive, CD-ROM Drive)
    Bus: (SCSI Bus number)
    ID: (SCSI ID number)
    Capacity: (total formatted storage space)
    Vendor: (manufacturer's name)
    Product ID: (unique drive identification code)
    Revision Number: (ROM Revision)
    Interface Type: (SCSI, SCSI-2)
    Removable Media: (yes or no)
    HFS Partitions: (number of partitions)

    Control Panel Information:
    Lists total Control Panels found with version numbers in parenthesis, bullets to the left of each control panel indicate that it is enabled
    Shows: All Control Panels, Apple Only, Non-Apple
    Clicking on each control panel in the list reveals its location on the volume

    Extension Information:
    Lists total Extensions found with version numbers in parenthesis, bullets to the left of each extension indicate that it is enabled
    Shows: All Extensions, Apple Only, Non-Apple
    Clicking on each extension in the list reveals its location on the volume

    System Folder Information:
    Lists all folders found which contain a System and Finder, indicates the startup System Folder with a Macintosh icon

Document Information
Product Area: Communications-Networking
Category: LocalTalk-EtherTalk-Token Ring
Sub Category: General Topics

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