PowerBook 150: Printing Issue with German 7.5 Mac OS (3/96)
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    I am having problems printing to a StyleWriter II printer from my PowerBook 150. The PowerBook 150 has a German localized version of System 7.5 installed on it. When I try printing a file I get this error message:

    "Es ist ein Fehler im Drucker aufgetreten. *berpr*fen Sie Bitte, ob der Drucker korrekt angeschlossen ist. Starten Sie anschlie*end den Druckvorgang errent."

    If I put a German localized version of System 7.1.1 on the PowerBook it works properly. Is there something wrong with the German Localized version of System 7.5?


    This issue is related to the localized version of the StyleWriter II driver v1.2 included with the German System 7.5 software.

    In order to print using a PowerBook 150 and the German version of System 7.5, you need to use the StyleWriter 1200 v2.1.1 printer driver.

    This issue would most likely occur on other Macintosh computers as well.

    Since the German localized StyleWriter 1200 v2.1.1 printer driver is backward compatible and included with the German System 7.5 software, you can and should use this printer driver.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook 100 Series

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