Network Server: Backing Up System After BOS Install
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    This article describes backing up your system after installing the AIX basic operating system (BOS) on your Network Server 500 or 700.


    After you have installed the BOS and performed your initial customization and configuration, it is a good idea to create a system backup. You use a backup to restore a corrupted file system and recover data.

    You can use the Installation Assistant to create a backup after your initial installation. You can also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to make a backup. SMIT uses the mksysb command to create a backup image that you can store either on a tape or in a file. If you choose to back up to tape, the backup program writes to tape a boot image that you can use for installation on other systems.

    For more information on using SMIT, use InfoExplorer.

    Configuring before the backup
    Configure your system before you create a backup image if you want the image to be identical and have the same users, passwords, network addresses, and so on. However, if you plan to use the backup image to install the BOS on other Network Servers, create the backup image before configuring the system.

    If you install the backup image on other systems, you might not want passwords and network addresses copied. Using the same passwords on many systems can create a security risk, and copying network addresses creates duplicate addresses and can disrupt communications.

    The BOS installation program automatically installs only the device drivers required for the hardware configuration of the installed machine. Therefore, if you are installing a system backup on other machines, you may need to install additional device drivers on the source system before making the backup image.

    To install additional device support on the source system, use the Install Additional Device Software SMIT menu item.

    Creating a backup
    Follow the steps below to create a system backup:

    Step 1
    Log in as root.

    Step 2
    Mount all file systems you want to back up.

    Refer to the mount command for details.

    Step 3
    Free at least 8.8 MB of disk space in the /tmp directory or increase the size of your disk partition.

    The mksysb command requires this working space. To determine the free space in the /tmp directory, use the df command. If necessary, use SMIT or the chfs command to change the size of the file system.

    Step 4
    Enter the following SMIT command:

    smit mksysb

    The Back Up the System screen appears.

    Step 5
    Select how you want to store the backup.

    Press F4 to list available tape devices.

    Step 6
    If you want to create map files, select the Create Map Files field.

    Map files match the physical partitions on a drive to its logical partitions.

    Step 7
    If you want to create a bootable backup, leave the default of yes. If you do not want a bootable backup, press Tab to change the option to no.

    Step 8
    Specify if you want to expand the /tmp directory if you have a bootable backup.

    Step 9
    Specify the number of blocks to write in a single output, or leave the field blank to accept the system default.

    Step 10
    For a file backup, press Enter. For a tape backup, insert a tape and press Enter.

    The Command Status screen appears.

    If you are creating a tape backup, the system may prompt you to insert another tape.

    Step 11
    When the backup completes, exit SMIT.

    The backup is complete. If you created a bootable tape, it can start your system if you are ever unable to start it from the hard disk.

    Verifying a backup tape
    You can use the procedures in this section to view the contents of a backup tape. The contents list verifies most of the information on the tape, but it does not verify that the tape can be used for installations. The only way to verify a boot image on a tape is to try to start the system from it.

    To verify a backup tape:

    Step 1
    Enter the following SMIT command:

    smit lsmksysb

    The List Files in a System Image screen appears.

    Step 2
    Type the number of blocks to read for your tape device, or leave the field blank to accept the system default.

    Step 3
    Either type the tape device name in the second field or accept the name provided.

    Step 4
    Press the Enter key.

    The Command Status screen appears listing the contents of the backup tape.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: Apple Network Server
Sub Category: Network Server 500; Network Server 700
Keywords: supt

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.