Drive Setup: Issues Using Custom Icons On Partitions (5/96)
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    I have a Power Macintosh 9500/132 computer on which I have partitioned my hard drive into 8 partitions with Apple's Drive Setup version 1.0.4. When I apply custom icons to each partition and restart my computer, a number of the icons revert to generic and other icons are linked together (that is, the icon on partition 1 now appears on partition 2 as well).

    I reinitialized the hard drive, reset parameter RAM (PRAM), and "clean" installed the system software. I then restarted and set up custom icons. After setting the icons and restarting again, the computer displays the same symptoms. All other SCSI devices/peripherals are disconnected.


    When using Drive Setup, including the latest version (1.0.4), with multiple partitions and custom icons, the icons for one partition may either duplicate across partitions, disappear, or turn generic. This is a known issue with Drive Setup that has been escalated previously.

    This issue is caused by the way the driver interacts with partitions that have the same creation date. Drive Setup is so fast and efficient, that it often will create partitions with exactly the same date and time.

    1 - One workaround is to modify the creation date of the partitions so they are not the same using a third party drive utility to do the partitioning.

    2 - The other workaround is to avoid using custom icons for partitions.

    This issue has been reported to engineering and is known. There are plans for this issue to be resolved in a future version of the Drive Setup utility.

    This article was published in the Information Alley on 17 April 1996.

    Article Change History:
    06 May 1996 - Added Info Alley keyword.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Utility Software
Sub Category: Hard Disk Setup Software

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