MessagePad 130: Memory Allocation Amounts
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    This article provides a breakdown on the memory allocation on the Apple MessagePad 130 device.


    Built-in applications: Calculator, Calls, Card, Clock,Connection, Formulas, Help, In Box, Out Box, Owner Info, Prefs, Setup, Styles, Time Zones, and Writing Practice.

    Also loaded into internal memory are:
    Hide-E 2K
    HW Instructor 101K
    Newton Tour 110K
    Pocket Quicken 238K
    Serial 9600 1K
    Soups 7K
    Patches (approx.) 33K

    1K allotments are initially set aside for the Calls, Dates, In/Out Items, Names, Notes, Pocket Quicken and To do Task soups adding up to another 7K. Everytime you add a note, or name, these amounts increase and take up more user memory.

    Memory Info shows 492K used and 869K free, this gives you 1361K user available memory. Since the 869K free initially may be startling, you can gain some of that space back by removing those packages that are preloaded into the internal memory: HW Instructor, Newton Tour, Pocket Quicken, or Serial 9600.

    Just as with any computer, when the operating system loads, it takes away from the operational memory. In the case of the Apple MessagePad, the operating system, the system updates (patches) load in at about 639K. As for the extra 512K, you should never even be aware of its existence unless you looks at the Memory Info stats. This is a result of how smoothly the heep space operations are now handled.

Document Information
Product Area: Newton
Category: Apple MessagePad
Sub Category: Apple MessagePad 130
Keywords: knmp

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