LaserWriter 8.4: PostScript VM Errors (6/96)
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    I am using the LaserWriter 12/640 PS printer, and printing a complex document. However, when I try to print the document I keep getting a single page with some printing that says something about a PostScript VM Error.

    I tried printing the document on a different LaserWriter and it printed properly. Why?


    When printing very complex documents with multiple fonts and graphics you may see this. This is related to the LaserWriter 8.4 printer driver, which ships with the LaserWriter 12/640 PS printer.

    There are a few things you can do that will help when using the LaserWriter 8.4 printer driver.

    - Reduce the number of fonts used in the document.
    - Turn ON Unlimited Downloadable Fonts in a Document
    - Use a previous version of the LaserWriter driver (8.3.4 is the latest version of the 8.3.x driver).

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Printers
Category: Printer Software
Sub Category: LaserWriter

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