Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 1.0: Read Me
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    The following article is the ReadMe document for the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit 1.0.


    This document contains important information about the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit. Please read it carefully before you install or use the software.

    Apple Network Assistant 2.0

    1. The Announce feature requires Ethernet network or another network of similar performance.

    2. Certain workstations, such as the LC, LCII and PowerBook Duos, cannot support the Talk feature. An error message appears when you try to use the Talk command with these workstations.

    3. If the Talk or Announce features are not working correctly on a workstation, make sure that the Sound Input option is set to a microphone. See your Macintosh user's manual for instructions on how to do this.

    4. If you share a workstation screen with a workstation that has a smaller monitor, you will see only part of the shared screen.

    5. If you share or observe a workstation screen that is running the Apple Video Player program, the TV signal will not appear on the other workstations.

    6. The Share Screen and Announce commands work with up to 100 workstations at a time.

    7. With the Share Screen, Observe, and Control features, the higher the number of colors on a monitor or the higher the resolution setting for a monitor, the greater the time required to transfer information across the network.

    8. If you plan on sharing a screen with several workstations, it is better to select all the workstations at once, then use the Share Screen command, rather than selecting the workstations incrementally.

    9. You will not be able to use the Control, Observe, Share Screen, Announce, or Talk features with a workstation connected to the network via Apple Remote Access.

    10. If you share a screen or copy files across a router, you may notice a decrease in performance, particularly when copying files to workstations on LocalTalk.

    11. If you are using IRTalk, make sure both sides of the connection are running with either classic networking or with Open Transport networking.

    12. If you use the Change Settings command to turn on file sharing on a workstation that does not have File Sharing software installed, you will not get an error message, even though file sharing will not be turned on. File sharing must be installed on a workstation for this command to work. Use the Software Version Report to verify that File Sharing software is installed on workstations.

    13. If you are using the Copy Items command to copy files to an AppleShare file server and the server is busy, you may get an error message stating "Item in use." Wait until the server is not busy and try again.

    At Ease for Workgroups 4.0

    Using the At Ease Administration program

    14. If there is a single Administrator for the At Ease server and the password for this Administrator is lost or forgotten, it is possible to redefine the password by discarding the At Ease Preferences file on the At Ease server. (See the section "Administering At Ease" in Chapter 7, "Tips and Troubleshooting," in the At Ease section of the Apple Network Administrator Toolkit manual.) However, if you discard the At Ease Preferences file, information about approved volumes and approved desktop printers will be lost. You should use the Security menu in the At Ease Administration program to reestablish the list of approved volumes and the list of approved desktop printers. You should also edit each workgroup on the server and reestablish its data storage volume, the allowed desktop printers, and any volumes to be mounted at login.

    Upgrading from version 2.0 or version 3.0

    15. If you are upgrading from earlier versions of At Ease for Workgroups (2.x or 3.x) and you wish to use the "Lock Startup Volume" feature with version 4.0, follow these steps:

    * Open the At Ease Administration program and choose System Settings from the Security menu. In the System Settings dialog box that appears, make sure that the option "Prevent users from bypassing security by starting up from a floppy disk" is NOT selected. Then quit the At Ease Administration program.

    * Restart all At Ease workstations so they display the At Ease login screen. (You may wish to use Network Assistant to do this.)

    * Open the At Ease Administration program again and open the System Settings dialog box. This time, SELECT the option "Prevent users from bypassing security." Quit the At Ease Administration program.

    * Restart all the At Ease workstations again.

    Improving security

    16. Some newer Macintosh models running system software version 7.5.2 may allow users to bypass At Ease by holding down the Shift key at startup. To solve this problem, open the System Settings dialog box (using the Security menu in the At Ease Administration program) and make sure the "Don't allow Shift key at startup" option is selected. Alternatively, you can upgrade the workstations to system software version 7.5.3.

    17. A user may be able to modify a document in a workgroup shared folder or a volume shared folder by opening it, changing the contents, and using the Save command. This can happen even if you have not given the user's workgroup permission to save to these shared folders. To prevent users from modifying a document in a shared folder, you can lock the document by opening the folder on the server, selecting the document, and choosing Get Info from the File menu. In the Info window that appears, click the "Locked" checkbox in the lower-left corner to put an X in it.

    18. You can prevent workgroup members from opening applications from removable media by leaving the "Allow applications to be opened from removable media" option unchecked. (See the section "Setting Locations for a Workgroup" in Chapter 4, "Creating At Ease Users and Workgroups.") However, leaving this option unchecked does not prevent users from launching applications on CD-ROM discs. To prevent users from opening applications on CD-ROM discs, you can specify the exact CD-ROM discs and files on these discs a workgroup can use. (See the section "Defining Access to CD-ROM Discs" in Chapter 6, "Administering the At Ease System.")

    19. At Ease administrators should be aware that the list of "allowed" applications, desk accessories, and control panels for a workgroup is created at login time when At Ease scans the workstation for:
    • all items for the current workgroup created by the At Ease Administration program
    • items in the Apple Menu Items folder (if the workgroup has access to it)
    • the Chooser (if the workgroup has access to it)
    • the Print Monitor
    • items in the Startup Items folder (if the workgroup will launch items in this folder)
    • items in the Shutdown Items folder
    • items in the Control Panels folder (if the workgroup has access to it)
    • approved sublaunched programs
    If an application or an alias to an application exists in any of these locations, workgroup members will be able to open it (from the restricted Finder, for example) even if you did not give them permission to do so when you created the workgroup. Likewise, if a document exists in any of these locations, workgroup users will be able to open the application that created it without having explicit permission to do so.

    Note: The user's own documents folder is not included in the list of scanned locations. (If it were, a user could copy any application from a floppy disk to this folder and open it.)

    At Ease and the restricted Finder

    20. The instructions in Macintosh Guide (available from the Guide menu in system software version 7.5 or later) may not work for users in the restricted Finder. For example, a user who requests instructions from Macintosh Guide on how to adjust the sound volume on his or her workstation will not be able to complete the required steps if the Administrator has not given him or her access to the control panels.

    21. When a user in the restricted Finder inserts a floppy disk or has access to another local volume, any desktop items on that disk or volume are placed in a folder called Items for Desktop. When the user ejects the disk or unmounts the volume, the items remain in this folder.

    22. In the restricted Finder, a user may drag any folder (such as another user's folder) into his or her own folder. If the user does not have access to the dragged folder, the Finder adds an empty folder of the same name to the target folder, but does not copy any files from the dragged folder.

    23. In the restricted Finder, RAM disks should not be used.

    At Ease and CD-ROM discs

    24. At Ease for Workgroups includes a security feature to prevent users from ejecting CD-ROM discs without first entering an administrator password. However, with some CD-ROM drives you can eject a CD-ROM disc manually. At Ease cannot prevent users from ejecting CD-ROM discs in this way.

    25. At Ease can display only one CD-ROM panel at a time. If a workstation has a second CD-ROM drive and the user inserts another permitted CD-ROM disc in this drive, it will not appear until the first CD-ROM has been ejected.

    26. At Ease treats CD-ROM drives that are connected to an AppleShare file server as AppleShare volumes, not CD-ROM drives. An administrator cannot use the "CD-ROM Preferences" command on the Maintenance menu to prevent access to these drives.

    At Ease and desktop printers

    27. To add desktop printers to the Access to Printers list, you should first create the desktop printers in the Finder (not the Panels or restricted Finder environments), then run the At Ease Administration program.

    28. Before users log in to a workstation that will be using desktop printers, you should go into the Finder at that workstation and create the desktop printers. Also, make sure that the background printing option is turned ON for StyleWriter and LaserWriter printers. (If it isn't, users may print multiple copies and exceed their page quota, if they have one. The number of pages recorded in the activity log will also be incorrect.) AppleTalk ImageWriters do not print in the background, but if they have been properly set up as desktop printers, At Ease will correctly count the number of copies and enforce any page quotas.

    29. If you set a page quota for a workgroup that is using desktop printers, it is best not to allow this workgroup access to the Chooser. (A user could create other desktop printers during a session and bypass the page quota and activity logging.)

    Known software conflicts

    30. Users may experience problems if an At Ease workstation is running system software version 7.1.2. You should upgrade the system software on At Ease workstations to version 7.5 or later.

    31. Current versions of the Speed Copy extension are not compatible with At Ease and should be removed from At Ease workstations.

    32. Using the WorldScript Power Adapter extension (version 7.5, 7.5.1, or 7.5.2) on an At Ease Power Macintosh workstation may cause a crash. You can remove the extension or upgrade to system software version 7.5.3 or later.

    33. In the restricted Finder environment, the Apple Internet Dialer does not work properly. Use this application from the Panels or Finder environments.

    Backing up the At Ease server

    34. If you are using Retrospect to back up the At Ease server, you should set the option "Lock out volumes during backup." This will avoid any problems if an At Ease workstation happens to be logged in to the server at the time of the backup. (Other backup programs may have similar options.)

    Restoring the At Ease server

    35. To ensure that your At Ease server operates correctly after restoring the At Ease server information from a backup copy, refer to the section "Restoring At Ease Information" in Chapter 6, "Administering the At Ease System," and perform these additional steps:
      1. Open the restored folder At Ease Items WG.
      2. Open the At Ease Setups folder and drag the Setups.idx file to the Trash. Then close the At Ease Setups folder.
      3. Open the At Ease Users folder and drag the Users.idx file to the Trash. Then close the At Ease Users folder.
    You do not need to restart the computer after restoring the At Ease information.

    At Ease and Kid Pix Studio

    36. Kid Pix Studio sublaunches several helper applications. To allow Kid Pix Studio to sublaunch these applications successfully, choose Application Preferences from the Maintenance menu of At Ease Administration program and click the Custom button. In the Custom Add screen, add each of the following applications:
    File Creator
    KPS 0
    KPS 1
    KPS 2
    KPS 3
    KPS 4
    KPS 5

    Note: Due to web browser limitations, certain characters are not viewable. Therefore, in the table above Kid0 to Kid5 have an "option i" rather than an "i" character.

    To type the i character in the file creator names, hold down the Option key while you type the letter i, then release the Option key and immediately type the letter i again.

    Miscellaneous points

    37. Because At Ease can open up to four files on the server for each workstation that is in the login screen, it is possible that versions of AppleShare earlier than 4.2.1 will not allow as many workstations to connect as specified in the File Server Preferences dialog in the AppleShare Admin program.

    38. If there is very little free disk space on the At Ease server, users may experience difficulty logging in.

    39. If you delete a user from At Ease, the Internet preferences for this user are not deleted from the At Ease Users folder on the At Ease server. You can delete the preferences manually in the Finder by dragging them to the Trash.

    40. At Ease usually identifies applications for a workgroup by file creator ID, not by file name. If two applications on an At Ease workstation have different names but the same file creator ID, the wrong application may be opened. (This might happen, for example, if two separate installer files with different desktop icons are both based on the same installer application.)

    41. If a workgroup is required to open and save documents in approved locations and if an AppleShare volume that is not the user document volume is mounted, members of the workgroup will see the volume name dimmed in the Save dialog box. They cannot save to this volume.

    42. A user who starts out in the At Ease Panels environment, then switches to the Finder by using the Go to Finder command, may experience problems when opening control panels through the Control Panels submenu in the Apple menu. In most cases, the control panel will appear in front of the At Ease panels, even though the user has switched to the Finder. In certain cases, a message will appear stating that the control panel can't be opened. To avoid these problems, an At Ease user who switches to the Finder by using the Go to Finder command should avoid opening control panels through the Control Panels submenu. Instead, the user should choose Control Panels from the Apple menu and release the mouse button to open the Control Panels window, then double-click the control panel they want to use.

    43. The Disk Usage window in the User Disk Space report indicates the total number of bytes in the user's document folder, not the amount of disk space actually used. If you compare this number with the folder size information reported by the Finder (using the Get Info command), you will notice that the Finder number is usually larger.

    44. On the Special menu in the Panels environment, an administrator may not see the At Ease Administration program listed even though the program is installed on the startup disk of the workstation. To fix this problem, go into the Finder on the workstation and open the folder that contains the At Ease Administration program. Then go back to the Panels environment.

    45. You should not add more than 400 items to a workgroup.

    General recommendations for workstations, servers, and networks

    46. Extensions provide important enhancements to a workstation's or server's capabilities. Since they require RAM, you should use the Extensions Manager to turn on only those extensions that are really needed, particularly at workstations with less RAM.

    47. For maximum server performance, you can put the System Folder on a RAM disk. (The RAM disk feature is available on newer Macintosh models.)

    48. Apple workgroup servers provide built-in hard disks that are 20ð30 percent faster than desktop Macintoshes. Faster hard disk access can significantly improve overall server performance.

    49. Use the Network Performance command in Apple Network Assistant to check periodically on network performance and to troubleshoot network problems.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software
Category: Apple Network Administrator Toolkit
Sub Category: General Topics

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.