Energy Saver Control Panel: Preferences not in PRAM
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    When I reset the Parameter RAM (PRAM) on a Macintosh computer that supports the Energy Saver control panel, what is the default sleep state? It is reset to shut down in 25 minutes?


    The Energy Saver sleep settings are not stored in PRAM, they are stored in the Energy Saver Preferences file, located in the Preferences folder within the System Folder. Moving or throwing the Energy Saver Preferences file away, and restarting your Macintosh resets the Energy Saver control panel back to the default sleep time of 30 minutes.

    When the Macintosh restarts, if there is no preference file found, the control panel creates an alias to itself in the startup items folder so that each time you power on your Macintosh, the initial Energy Saver welcome screen displays. This screen explains the function of the Energy Saver control panel and provides you with an opportunity to modify the control panel default settings. Once you open the control panel, the alias is removed from the startup items folder and a preference file is created.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: General OS
Sub Category: General Topics

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