LaserWriter 8.4: Corrupt Prefs Can Cause Errors
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    I am using the LaserWriter 8.4 printer software, which worked properly when I first installed it. But, now I am getting errors stating that the paper size is wrong, or it times out, or sometimes I just get PostScript errors.


    Many times, those errors can be caused by a corrupted preference file. Deleting the preference file can help resolve the problem. This preference files are automatically rebuilt. The preferences for LaserWriter 8.4 software are organized differently than previous versions.

    There are two parts of the LaserWriter 8.4 software, the LaserWriter 8.4 Prefs file, and a Parsed PPD folder. You must remove both of the LaserWriter 8.4 Prefs file and the Parsed PPD folder.

    LaserWriter 8.4 File Locations

    System Folder

    - Preferences Folder

    - LaserWriter 8 Prefs   <-- This is from previous LW software

    - Printing Prefs folder

    - LaserWriter 8.4 prefs

    - Parsed PPDs folder

    -  Parsed PPDs for printers selected.

    - Watermark files for StyleWriter Printers

    Removal Steps

      1. Open the Preferences folder, inside the System folder.

      2. Open the Printing Prefs folder.

      Move the Parsed PPD folder to the Trash.

      The Parsed PPD folder contains the PostScript Printer Description information as well as printer configuration.
      4. Move the LaserWriter 8.4 Prefs to the Trash.

    Just removing the LaserWriter 8.4 Prefs file will usually not correct any printing trouble you are having. You must also remove the Parsed PPD folder.

    LaserWriter 8.4 Notes

    If you already have a Desktop printer created by a previous LaserWriter version, a new Desktop printer is created when you install the LaserWriter 8.4 software.

Document Information
Product Area: Apple Software; Printers
Category: Printer Software
Sub Category: LaserWriter

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