PowerBook 1400: Won't Start Up From CD By Holding C Key (11/96)
Article ID:


    The PowerBook 1400 will not start up from a CD-ROM disc by pressing the "C" key on the keyboard as many other Macintosh computers do. How can I force it to start up from a CD?


    PowerBook 1400 series computers can be started up from a bootable CD-ROM disc by simultaneously holding down these four keys as the computer is starting up:"COMMAND (the Apple key)" "OPTION" "SHIFT" and "DELETE". Release the keys when the "Welcome to Macintosh" dialog box appears on the display.*

    This start up procedure is used when you want to bypass the internal hard drive and force the computer to start up from the next available SCSI or IDE device, which in this case, is the CD-ROM mechanism.

    If you continue to hold down the keys past the "Welcome to Macintosh" dialog box appears on the display, the hard drive may not mount on the desktop. However, you can force the hard drive to mount using the Drive Setup application.

    Drive Setup is located on the PowerBook 1400 CD inside a folder called "Utilities". If the internal hard drive did not mount, you can force it to mount by following these steps:

    Step 1
    Double click on Drive Setup.

    Step 2
    Highlight the hard drive <not mounted>.

    Step 3
    Pull down the Functions menu and select Mount Volumes. The hard drive should show up on the desktop. Quit Drive Setup.

    * Note: If you find that your PowerBook computer still will not start up from the CD-ROM disc after holding down the Command-Option-Shift-Delete keys, press the Caps Lock key one time and try it again. The Command-Option-Shift-Delete key sequence will not work when the Caps Lock key is activated. However, because there is no LED light on the Caps Lock key of the PowerBook 1400 computers, it is impossible to tell if the key is active until the computer is started up.

    This article was published in the Information Alley on 21 October 1996.

    Article Change History:
    18 Nov 1996 - Added info about when to release keys.
    12 Nov 1996 - Added info about Caps Lock key.
    18 Oct 1996 - Changed article status.

Document Information
Product Area: Computers
Category: PowerBook
Sub Category: PowerBook 1400 Series

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