GeoPort & EM Updater: Change History
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    This article is a brief description of the GeoPort and Express Modem Updater change history.


    3.0 - Added V.34 functionality, up to 28.8 kbps, for GeoPort hardware running on a Power Macintosh computer and fixed minor bugs. Based on Apple Telecom 3.0.3 (ships in Japan only).

    3.1 - Implemented up to 33.6 kbps connection speeds on GeoPort hardware running on a Power Macintosh computer, and fixing a memory fragmentation issue with the software. This update was never posted because it was superseded by 3.1.1

    3.1.1 - Fixed the installer script. The installer was removing the old GeoPort Extension on a Macintosh Quadra AV computer, but not installing the new one.  This version is also referred to as Telecom 3.1.1 and can be downloaded from
    Apple Software Updates search for Geoport EM 3.1.1.

    05 May 1997 - included information to find Software Updates.

Document Information
Product Area: Communications-Networking; Peripherals
Category: Modems & Fax Modems
Sub Category: GeoPort Telecom Adapter

Copyright © 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.