9600 Graphics Accelerator extension: Why Is It There? (3/97)
Article ID:


    I have a Power Macintosh 7300. When I start up my computer and watch the screen as the extensions load, I see a large red X through the icon of one of the extensions. The extension is named "9600 Graphics Accelerator". Is there something wrong? Do I need this extension on my Power Macintosh 7300?


    There is nothing wrong. The file, named "9600 Graphics Accelerator", will do no harm. You may safely remove it from your Power Macintosh 7300 if you wish.

    The 9600 Graphics Accelerator extension was included as part of a standard bundle of system software which was installed on Power Macintosh 7300, 7600 (Japan only), 8600, and 9600 systems at the factory. On systems that don't need this extension, a red X will be displayed across the extension's icon when the system starts up. The 9600 Graphics Accelerator extension will not be loaded, and there is no harm done.

    Future versions of this system software bundle will not exhibit this behavior.

    This article was published in the 10 March 1997 "Information Alley."

    Article Change History:
    10 Mar 1997 - Added Info Alley information.

Document Information
Product Area: Mac OS System Software
Category: Mac OS 7.6
Sub Category: Troubleshooting

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